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Posts posted by IzYouFaggot

  1. OK i understand, i just wanted a slight nudge to maintain an equilibrium, not a full deter


    Mists ARE realistic son, a low fog if i'm using incorrect wording. Not just a slight cloud over a player, something that hampers slightly vision in light zed areas

    Secondly, yes when you're infected, you're, well infected, but as far as i know no disease is immediate, or do you die after catching a cold?

    Also the vries and moans of normal zed are inhuman, i want human suffering, a recognition of impending doom to which the player connects.

    Also i'm not frustrated because of bandits, i've never been shot, i'm just trying to adress a problem raised by this forum

  2. 1) Why should food rot? It's either canned goods or cooked meat. Canned goods have shelf lives of YEARS' date=' and cooked meat lasts longer than public health officers would have you believe. If anything, this would even PROMOTE PvP since food will become more rare, and forcing survivors to stay in the cities for food loot would only further centralize the deathmatches. Currently, killing for beans is a joke, but rotting food would make killing for beans an authentic excuse for banditry.

    2) No. This isn't Left 4 Dead, we don't need special/boss zombies, especially ones that make no sense in character. Why the hell would the zombie ONLY attack gunshots? The virus (to paraphrase Rocket) strips away all humanity and leaves only enraged hunter instinct. It's a cheesy and ham-handed mechanic. Plus, it'll only hurt non-bandit players - sniper bandits will have all the time in the world to shoot ol' Grenade Zombie, while Average Joe with his makarov in the church is gonna get blown up because he can't get enough distance.

    3) Just... no. What justification is there for this? "Snipers use hills, so we'll make the hills cloudy?"

    Your issue with these suggestions is that you assume banditry is a problem that must be fixed by hardcoded in-game measures (sloppy ones at that). PvP isn't a [i']problem, it's an obstacle to overcome. Sniper covering Cherno? Use tactics to take out the sniper or, if he's out of your ability to attack, don't go into his killzone. Campers on the firestation spawn? Good, you know exactly where they are; avoid them or use your intelligence to kill them.

    If you're being killed repeatedly by the same tactics, the problem is not that bandits are an OP problem, the problem is that you're not adapting to the problem. You're taking the weak way out - instead of overcoming the obstacle, you just want to nerf it down to your level.

    First, i did not mention nerfing, the mist only hampers, requiring a bit more focus, second the traumatized soldier fills in with the setting i think:

    It has equal vulnerability to humans since he's not fully infected (translated, one shot to the leg and he crawls, solving your quarry, one shot to the hed and he's gone, the only problem is the vest, that is going to be painful to snipers)

    He is supposed to communicate pain, further depressing and setting the mood (no talking though, just crying and moaning)

    He could hide against a fence to signal a sniper in the area

    The rot is included to make the game more complex, and it would be applie to raw foods

    Finally i just want a warning system for noobs, but a not too obvious one

    And i want a bit more challenge to bandits, not exactly a blatant screw but rather rasing the risk

    also the guns hurt the same

  3. "I think that meat should rot. Canned food however doesn't go bad for years so it's fine to assume those would stay good."


    The rotting thing would be fine tuned to prevent normal people from becoming frustrated, at least that's my ideia. But you could add methods to conserve food almost indefinetely, such as salting it or placing it in vinegar. Of course doing such requires you to move to a city or village and find vinegar, or find salt water in the sea. This should break camping i hope

  4. First measure:

    1) Make food rot

    The rate of decay should only be annoying to those who store food (campers) for long periods. Decaying food should make the player noticeable to zombies and be marked with flies. Johnny has to move his ass if he wants to survive and stop searching for players to loot.

    2) the traumatized soldier zed

    A slightly more human zed that ignores the player. That is until he hears a gunshot from a non hunting or silenced (since these are hard to maintain) weapon (crossbows also ignored) or is attacked. Then he'll hunt in the direction of the shot and search for anyone with a mil weapon within an area estimated for the shooter's location. If he finds him, he'll sprint towars him and pulls a pin from a nade when he's really close. He's got a vest, so one round ain't stoppin him. If he's killed before, the nade will roll out, blowing up later.

    Make him jump and run a little to the side or fall and get back up to screw sniper's aim

    He should scream and make it clear that he's a threat, also place it strategically to avoid spawn killing.

    3) The moderatly annoying mist

    Basically slight mist bellow hills and known vantage points that make spotting harder

  5. I agree, but make the main mobs slower, so that the dangerous bastards can shine, because if any zombie can reach you even if you run, there's no reason to fear a differently skinned zombie, but if mos are relatively painless and there's one always on your ass, then you'll feel the pain

  6. Well i think you should have access to the chernarus maps and be able to freely modify it, make notes and schtuff, see your current position but, most importantly!: signal areas of importance, say for example areas looted and time of looting, spot where you've place your tent, and half your gear, yatayata.

    Hell you could paint it and write on it how you'd like, but locations marked there would appear on both the map and the journal, along with description.

    Now you can go anywhere and always have a way back home.

    However get a cap in your ass, eaten, or such other wonderful endings, a player can casually drop by and learn the place of your stuff, or even better, newbies can learn about death zones, loot areas and so on, smoothing the painful learning curve of this game.

    Tents should last longer after owner death, so that one lucky/bastard/both player might find a spot to camp on.

    This increases both competition and strategy quality.


  7. oh, i wanna add somehing else, allow further specialization of the player, examples being:

    Defibs found in hospitals, player can revive anyone, but the battery runs dry after awhie, requiring recharge or finding another one, this could be paired up with. Reviving has chance of ocurring inversely proportionally to post mortum time (cannot be self applied)

    Adrenaline syringe, gives boost to speed and increases chance of sucessful revive

    IR binoculars (not sights), this equipment is meant to allow easier spotting of animal life, which are hotter than players. Zeds are cold and hence blacker. The point here is being the team's hunter

    Hunting rifles with scopes, should do far less damage against humans (we wear vests people) and more common than mil. This'll discourage the bandit mode

    Meat mincer, carried by anyone, compacts 2 pieces of meat into one, more bang for your buck.

    Possibility of creating a zed repellent, to shower upon tents and "safezones" a player whishes to create, does not work on zed intense areas

    Tripwires, can be used to create boobytraps, to defend a location

    Make mil mags smaller, increase amount of ironsights (for that you're screwed vibe), the point here is that anyone that wants to kill kill will quickly fill its inventory with mags only, so you have to make a choice; food or killing power? But you don't have to choose if your mates can carry either for you.

    If i'm correct this'll make specialization and team work far more profitable, as long as it is combined with OPs idea

  8. I want to only add another mecanic to your idea:

    There should be shacks dotted around the map, where no zeds are patrolling, these shacks must not to have food or loot.

    Their function is to provide shelter from harsh conditions and weather, thus acting as an unconscious meeting point between two solos, enabling cooperation.

    To increase the likelihood of such, these shacks shouldn't be in the center, but rather not too far from the spawns and ocasionally spawn tents to further stimulate teamwork ("hey dude there's a tent here, maybe we could use it to store stuff and make it a "safe house" amirite)
