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Posts posted by IzYouFaggot

  1. If you manage to sneak up on someone and open their pack, You can take stuff out of it with no issues.

    I know that cus i've succeed in such, im just trying to make it easier to do that. Most of times it's hard to approach an unfriendly player without him shooting you. I wanted to allow that without it becoming to easy

  2. Well, i've noticed you can open anyone's backpack without them noticing (evil face). So it could be awesome if you could actually pickpocket people in this game without conflict. To allow this I only want these minor changes:

    Going slow while crouched is far quieter than any alternative, allowing us to reach players.

    The player's coyote bag should have a different shape depending on the amount of loot in it. Empty? Make it flat. Full? Have items strapped at the bag.

    Tranq gun or tasee, to knock someone out temporarily (im thinking 10 sec) and steal their loot

  3. Oh, you could add some sort of bounty to the top bandits, which would give a reward to the player who would kiil him.

    I'm thinking like a military organization broadcasting a message or placing speakers and screens on the major settlements, that would indicate the bounty.

    Players who succesfuly shot and killed the bounty got an airdrop at those same systems when they arrived

    It might not be all that realistic but after most humans got killed some people eventually self organized no?

    Oh and only people who accepted the bounty would receive such reward. Plus you would get an hud indicator whenever the bounty was within your eyesight and was in a distance inferior to 100 m

  4. Problem i encountered:

    Sometimes, most times loot didn't make all that sense where it was found, and i commonly found emptied cans rather than actual loot


    1) make loot more contextual

    On the country side where few simple people live the most common weapon is a shotgun, and since they produce their own food there should be plenty supplies there, and few rudimentary hunting supplies (crossbow and knife)

    On Industrial complexes (not cities) where people made stuff and worked, few people had access to weapons, so ammo should be scarce and limited to handguns

    On cities where a lot of people lived, the government obviously sent the military there to avoid the main population centres from being anhilated, so a few high end weapons should be there, along with barriers to stop zombie progression and safe zone establishing. However mil (assault rifles, shotguns, handguns machine guns) weapons would be often left out on the open (imagine the struggle) or in military barracks, sometimes inside buildings. (Why? Let's see: you have a creature that can only bite you and can run like hell, so what you do is place yourself in a stair well and mow'em down and OH shit gotta reload, com'on com'on ARGGH. Only when shit went south would anyone hide in building and they would be at top of them waiting for rescue.)

    Anti personnel sniper rifles and dmrs would be found at building tops and vantage points (obviously). Food, knifes, flares, maps, gps, and such could be easily found on stores or gas stations, anything that sells stuff to the peoples

    Food and pistols can be found inside residences (people by then would be panicking)

    Vehicle parts can be found inside warehouses and toolsheds, along with a tool box

    On buildings under construction, flares and toolboxes could be found along with pistols, since these would be an easy site for rescuing

    On mil barracks : jackpot. These would be the last place for the remnants of civilization, so food, guns stuff to repair stuff and a crapload of zeds

    Note, when i speak of weapons i mean weapons and or ammo, i don't want people getting comfortable, and these and other supplies could be empty. I just want a believable scenario

    2) Signs of struggle

    Humanity died, it didn't leave for a quick vacation, give it the requiem it deserves and paint it with blood

    I see lot of destroyed vehicles randomly placed on the street, i'd like to see blocks and barriers place by the military to contain the situation, maybe a few mounted mgs, either empty or not. And place a few flares on the city streets or mil lamps since when they finally evacuated they needed a way to see the zeds. The only place that makes sense being dark is the country since it is the least important thing to defend

    Paint the houses with blood, people died there. and have footprints appear when the loot is gone, indicating it's been scavanged

  5. I think we should add a defecation or urination meter

    After a while you had to urinate, and places hit should turn to a yellow tone, including characters

    you could also urinate into bottles and force drink crippled players

    Defecation would force you to bend down,the should attract zombies and if done on a character it would become a permanent zombie aggro machine until it went to a water body

    You could defecate into a sac or bag and throw it, covering a target area in thus attracting curious zombies

    I think this would increase the realism in the dayz mod because everyone irl needs to pee and poop, and it adds to the smell mechanism of the zombies

    Also players who have specified a scat or wet fetish get a an added bonus of sexual relief after relieving themselves next to drpping or while covered in them, if they don't their sexual relief drops faster.

    Conversely players without that fetish could have their sexual relief droping slowly while near or covered.

    In my view this would greatly increase the game's authenticity

  6. More ideas

    Birds pecking dead animals

    Shells or cartridge being more permanent and visible

    If a zombie ate a player there should be a carcass, not a body (allowing destruction of evidence)

    Blood and wounds should appear on An Alive player, allowing us to judge his condition

    Also there should be a redder nose and ill face for ill players

    Any player with low stats should have a paler look

    Cold players should have their character shiver

    Famined players should have a bonier face (done with textures)

    Scope glint or glare, believe it or not this is a real life problem. Glare to binoculars also

  7. On par with what some posted here, it should be possible for us to track pcs and npcs.

    Footprints should be left when walking on dirt or upon transition from dirt to asphalt. Same to animals

    Bleeding should leave a pool or track of blood

    Dead unlooted bodies should have birds signalling their position, imcreasing conflicta

    Bush and grass should lie down if stomped

    Gunshots should leave bloodstains that allow us to determine the angle

    Exit and entry wounds

    Varying appearence of wounds, signalling zombie, blade, rifle or sniper attack

    Consumed food should be left on the ground, like empty cans or rotting meat

    Noticeable bulletholes, with more sepctacular appearence as damage increases

    Dragging trail left by zeds

    These small details should allow a quick read of the environment, making This a true survival game, and increasing immersion

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