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Everything posted by AutoFreak

  1. AutoFreak

    Looking for members for our group (EU timezones)

    Ijust cant get into it. Too boring. Warfare mod is the way to go. AMAZING !!
  2. AutoFreak

    Looking for members for our group (EU timezones)

    I would love to join. I am a 34 year old from Northern Ireland and my Stream username is "Auto Freak" with no apostraphies. How do I find your server ?
  3. AutoFreak

    Worst day in History to Start?

    How do you save in the new version too ?
  4. AutoFreak

    Worst day in History to Start?

    :) I never knew about the tin can thing so there is a fighting chance for me yet :) Its all good and well that some users say BLAH BLAH BLAH all you have to do is BLAH BLAH BLAH but I can bet my bottom dollar that when they FIRST started playing, they had a weapon ? Yea, thought so :D
  5. AutoFreak

    Worst day in History to Start?

    This tells it all lol
  6. AutoFreak

    Worst day in History to Start?

    I downloaded it yesterday and have spent about 7 hours playing it until the sun came up. I get killed over and over again. This morning, I downloaded a map and printed it out onto photo paper and took my time in prone position and I STILL get killed. No matter where I go, there is about 10 zombies around every building, even if its a barn. When the zombies see me, which they do, no matter what I do, I cant out run them, the walk through closed doors, climb through razor wire and climb ladders ! What the hell chance do we have !!!
  7. AutoFreak

    "Waiting for Character to create" - Read this!

    I am sooo glad to see this thread. Not only to find out that the guys are working hard on the fix but even more importantly because this is the firest time that I have tried to play and I thought that it was something that I had done :angel: