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About MrZombieBiscuit

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MrZombieBiscuit

    Starting a Productive Bandit Clan w/ Roles!

    Well, too bad I live in Brazil. I made my way to the NW airstrip on my own from elektro using no compass nor watch, I had no weapons, only a hunting knife, 2 soda cans, a box of matches and an axe. I'm also the perfect survivor man, give me an axe, a box of matches and a hunting knife and tell me where to go or how long to survive in the wild and I can do it, so it's not a big deal...
  2. Societies where people take towns and defend them from zombies. Then the bandit with an m249 joins.
  3. So, with the Yogs doing videos of DayZ, I was thinking, that there will be a lot more to hunt soon. I think that we bandits should start working together, as a faction. Nothing concrete yet, just an idea. :huh:
  4. MrZombieBiscuit

    Bandits needed

    Add me on Steam: *DEAD* (the one with a fallout profile pic) I'm 14, have a mic(a really bad one) and live in Brazil. Currently I have a ghillie suit and a m16a2 on the US89 server hunting for people. InGame name: HoboWithAShotgun
  5. MrZombieBiscuit

    DayZ - Scaring People

    So, I had the following idea: We take the Siren, and put some audio before it, maybe a Russian man saying "Nuclear strike incoming, we're done!", in English or in Russian (to play on the russian servers). Since that is the control tower of Balota, it would be pretty awesome :P BTW, what program was used?