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Survival Steve

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About Survival Steve

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Survival Steve

    Can buildings colapse?

    Hahahahha @ Kpopp, that video was hilarious! love it.
  2. Survival Steve

    Looking for team members

    As this suggests, Me and my friend (Stevie and Aaron ingame names) are looking for another couple of players to join us on our travels, we have recently moved server due to it not updating and in our previous server had a setup with a small camp and 3 vehicles. We are looking for someone (or two) to join us on Skype and ingame. Prefer UK/Europe (or GMT time atleast, and speak English) and semi-mature(!?) we are both late 20's. Would love another person to take up the offer, we are very social and are loving the game so far! (good job DayZ team) Cheers!
  3. Survival Steve

    Clothing in server version 1.62.95393 ?

    Ah right ok, so it is only the servers that have Clothing back on them? do not? Thanks again.
  4. As the topic suggests, have clothing spawns been re-activated in the above patch? Or is it only the in the 1.62.95417 servers ? Thanks if anyone has an answer.