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Everything posted by M4TTH3W

  1. M4TTH3W

    Confirmation of Changes : Session lost

    I'm having the same problem after an OS, Steam and game reinstall. I've never hacked so that's not it. I can't play as it stands though and would appreciate any constructive advice.
  2. You just described Arma 2 essentially. Big whoop.
  3. I for one hope they do have the good sense to snap Rocket and his team up, if they have not already and incorporate DayZ into A3. They deserve to profit from their work considering how much fun is being had as a result of it. Well done guys, keep at it. :)
  4. Delete the "beta" folder In /Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion and reinstall the patch you want
  5. M4TTH3W

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    Same problem here with a small twist. When I tried to log on to my normal server tonight, I was initially loading into an area with no trees or features of any kind really. It would say "wilderness, day one" in the corner. I checked for update with six updater and now keep sticking at the loading stage and have to CtrlAltDel to get out. Retail Arma2OA, updated to latest Beta patch 94444, launched using beta.exe from Arma2 root folder. Intel Q6600 @ 2.4. 8G RAM Win7 64 nVidia GTS250 Nice Mod! Enjoying the fruits of your collective labour. Thanks a lot!