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Daddy'o (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Daddy'o (DayZ)

  1. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Loot Cycling?

    You're talking about loot farming or by another term loot piling? The process of clearing all loot from a loot point, dropping it elsewhere, moving 200 meters away and coming back after a couple of minutes? If so, it's completely allowed. You can do it anywhere you can find loot. Back packs are considered loot like everything else, so nothing special with those. But if you're suggesting that loot "cycles" like it was a set order, it doesn't. Loot spawn is a chance based occurrence.
  2. Daddy'o (DayZ)


    Not really, I don't see why the database would detect how LONG you have the items. It detects a suspicious change of gear, and marks it, and does it every time a such change happens. It won't start counting minutes how long you're holding on to the items. But that's just me thinking out loud. I'm not on the dev team and I haven't seen their database scripts. So take my posts as what they are. Speculation. I wouldn't be worried though. The dev team knows there's a hack like this going on, so it won't fuck up your game.
  3. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Rocket Defence Force and Anti-Rocket Alliance ASSEMBLE

    Like I don't have better things to do 4:14 in the morning! Here are your damn flags! :D Had to make the damn Chernarus flag from scratch as well... Rocket Defence Force: and the Anti-Rocket Alliance
  4. Daddy'o (DayZ)


    Yup this is a new hacker script that's turned up during this week, late last week. Guess they try to ruin people by having everyone have all the best gear :D Or rather, I guess they're trying to mess with Rocket and their hive database security detection system that picks up when a player suddenly gets new stuff that doesn't appear legit (database ban to the player from several detections).
  5. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Then the hive has to track how long it has been since your last death and report back with a response. Causes server load.
  6. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Little help please?

    The female character is a work in progress. They're adding the option of changing skins for it as well later on. God knows when though.
  7. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Little help please?

    Also, why do you need 3 threads asking the same thing?
  8. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Little help please?

    Beware. Female characters can't use ghillie suits or camo clothing.
  9. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    ammm what just happened to me?

    There are video evidence of hackers being able to do this, and suddenly there have been lots of incidents starting from couple days ago.
  10. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    By rocket on reddit: "The main issue is one of performance. Creating a new character is the single most performance intensive operation the game/central server ever has to do. Each time this happens, it adds at least 0.2 seconds of pause to the server to devote to this task. Take a server with 50 people, you are starting to have real issues. Now imagine it with 100, or 150 people. So at a base level, having people respawning to get where they want will simply not work. Adding in a "spawn area" is possible but I don't really like the idea. Also, there is the side benefit of seeing if more consequence to death == change in player behavior. We just don't know, and nobody can accurately speculate, what effect such a change might have. On the balance of everything, we will try it in closed testing (at least) this week to see what the results are. Then we will discuss, and make a decision. My plea, is to remember we are experimenting here to try and find exciting new game design solutions to problems, without having to constantly retreat to compromise or the "old" ways of solving these issues. So I think saying it is a "terrible change" is not the best way to think about it, at worst, it should be "terrible consideration" at which point, feel free to discuss and it will help me avoid the really stupid considerations in favor of options that might be better." And: "What if players still glitch in to debug areas?" Rocket: "I replied in the thread, detection of this is now in place. Hopefully this will be effective, otherwise there may have to be new ways. If testing throws up issues, I will simply add a prompt to the respawn option. This is more work, and not ideal, but if debug spawns are a problem this will be the solution."
  11. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Any clues on finding downed Heli's?

    Of course it isn't. Heli crash sites are placed by an algorithm, meaning they aren't static. The map only shows locations that someone has found a crash site at.
  12. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    sorry duplicate thread please delete

    You should know this though, female characters don't yet support other skins. Meaning that if you find a ghillie suit or a camo clothing, you wont be able to wear them as a female character. You only get a message that it'll be possible in a later patch.
  13. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Any clues on finding downed Heli's?

    at least 5 crashed choppers per server. Our group managed to find 5 on one. Though I personally believe it's more. Run around the open fields around Vybor, Novy Sobor, Stary Sobor and the Altar hills north east of Novy Sobor.
  14. I made whole range finding tables and accurate mil-dot ranges for the DMR only to find that they're all affected by your resolution and aspect ratio. Hence they ended up being useful only to me and no one else.
  15. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    My First Day in DayZ

    I would encourage anyone to help other survivors, but you have to ALWAYS understand that they WILL MOST PROBABLY shoot you in the face and laugh. They'll take your help and kill you and take everything you have. EXPECT THIS. When you expect it, you won't feel betrayed when you do help people. Don't risk anything you don't want to lose man. People are shit most usually. And greedy. But the people who aren't, you'll make their DayZ experience a whole lot better, and that's always a rewarding feeling :)
  16. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    what causes 26000 damage?

    What makes you think that? Hackers are more creative than just dropping everyone dead on their feet. Lamest hacker death I've got so far is when he teleported everyone on the server 200 meters in to the air. Most likely explanation is he got sniped, and the reason he doesn't know what happened is because he died on the first shot, be it head shot from a CZ or a body shot from an m107, but because it was the first shot, he didn't get to hear the gun sound because of the bullet being supersonic, meaning he died before the sound reached him.
  17. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    For new people

    DayZ IS a social experiment. You just misunderstood the meaning. Rocket designed the mod like this: He gave us survival goals, hunger, thirst, blood and temperature. He gave us means to handle them, and zombies to make handling them more difficult. He gave us weapons to handle the zombies. Then he stood the fuck back, and looked as the players flocked in to the game and he saw what came out of it and he smiled. The DayZ you see now, is a result of that experiment. You might not like it, but this is the result. However, we should not forget that the experiment is on-going, and the test scenario is ever-changing, so expect the results to change somewhat as well.
  18. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    what causes 26000 damage?

    AS50 does damage in way bigger numbers. More like an M107 body shot. But I double the suggestion of a head shot from a more common weapon.
  19. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Question about bandits.

    This is a copy paste from one of my previous forum posts. Someone asked this a few days back: Bandit system still works the same as it did when the humanity system was still in place. You just don't get the bandit skin anymore. Meaning, there's still a humanity meter you can't see. Every shot you take at another player lowers it, and every murder drops it by a significant amount. It will also replenish slowly over time and doing transfusions on other players or bandaging other players replenishes it as well. Killing other bandits might replenish your humanity as well. Not sure. The game considers you a bandit when your humanity is less than 0, meaning a negative figure. Every fresh spawn starts with 12,000 (or was it 24,000?) positive, and every kill drops about 2000 or 5000 I think? Not sure on the number, sorry. It does also have some sort of a cumulative effect and I don't know the specific details. Firefights run the exception that if you are shot first, and hit, you get a 5 minute timer to kill that person without humanity loss, although it will still count as either a murder or a bandit kill depending on how much humanity the person has who shot you. So basically, if you get a few consecutive kills in short time, don't do much transfusions nor bandaging of others, your humanity will drop below 0 and you will be considered a bandit, and when you kill another player it counts as a murder if his humanity is over 0 and a bandit kill if his humanity is below 0. You'll know the game considers you a bandit when other people get a heart beat sound when they aim at you. When they don't, you're still above 0 humanity. Though I've heard this has not been working as intended, and sometimes you would still have the heartbeat sound from your last life even after a fresh spawn. If you found this helpful, beans would feed my family one more day ^_^
  20. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Multiple DayZ accounts (useful for shared computers)

    Sorry man I meant to post the link on a thread you replied with a link to this thread, got mi threads mixed up :D Didn't mean to hijack your thread man, but curious I posted mine just barely one day before you posted yours :D Also, free bumb :)
  21. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    First impressions

    It doesn't if you shoot other people in the back. Rocket, the creator of this mod calls this the Anti-game. It's a simulation and a social experiment, that is unfair and cruel, his words. After you've gotten used to the DayZ world, in about 2 weeks, it will turn around like this: WHAT IS FUN: Shooting players in the back. NOT FUN: Shooting zombies, finding supplies, etc Rocket has stated that the servers are currently at he bare limit of how many zombies can be supported, at around 800-1000 zombies. Having more of them will cause severe issues with hive functions due to lag. There are plenty supplies already, you're just looking for them in a manner that is too careless and gets you killed. Also you're playing solo where you're supposed to have mates covering you. There is strength in numbers, both in real life and in DayZ. It's the entire point of the mod as a social experiment. Zombies aren't very social :) I don't mean this at all in a rude manner, but have you tried playing left 4 dead or dead island? Both are great zombie games where the fun is in shooting zombies and not other players :)
  22. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    How is this fair?

  23. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    How is this fair?

    Zombies don't one hit kill you. They make you go unconscious for a random amount of time. You get the hour glass icon on your screen. This happens when you go under 9000 blood and is a chance based thing for every hit. Zombies hit for a few hundred damage per hit. Either you got that, and got munched to death on the ground or someone one-shotted you with a weapon. You can't even hear the shot before you die if they hit you on the first shot because the bullet travels faster than the sound of the gun.
  24. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    Computer question!

    Notebook and arma 2, seems to me it's a terrible mix. Are you sure you can even upgrade that? I always thought upgrading notebooks was a matter of buying a newer, more powerful notebook. My suggestion to you is to buy a proper max size power tower PC and scratch those notebooks for pc gaming. Will make upgrading in the future a painless effort.
  25. Daddy'o (DayZ)

    And then there were no beans ...

    Made me laugh. Have my beans.