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Everything posted by killavirus

  1. killavirus

    So I was looking through ARMA 3 Screenshots...

    cant really see a use for it really. unless you can get a Submarine !!! underwater base Oh yeahhh. But no cant think that having a diving suit would be very helpfull, maybe for stealthy night ops :/ ??
  2. killavirus

    People are horrible.

    Shoulda hunted that fucker down and shown him the meaning of Karma !!! p.s. one of the ideas to curb wanton banditry is for items to disappear when killing Survivors
  3. Screw you im calling it a pistol or gun
  4. killavirus

    Who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors?

    if your stood behind my buddy grabbing shit out of his backback your gonna die. If your in electro running about with any kind of weapon your going to be classified as potential threat.
  5. killavirus

    Very stupid question...

    I had that Change your resolution change it back again Worked for me
  6. killavirus

    UK113 - Admin kicks Player

    check it out yourself. use fraps. come back and post.
  7. stary sobor NWA thats where the real friendly sharing people put X's :/
  8. killavirus

    beans hack ?

    turns out you can give yourself beans :)
  9. well my mate got gunned down by two people with automatic weapons. I had a hatchet :D i died though
  10. probably making a cup of tea :/
  11. killavirus

    US 45 sniped out of a heli

    or hacked in
  12. killavirus

    Picking your main server

    I would suggest doing a forum search and see if the server name comes up due to rampant hacking or admin abuse. Then avoid :) Good luck all
  13. 1 Yes zombies spawn around loot points. havnt found a non lootable building with zombies yet. 2 guns take up 7 inventory spots. If you dont have enough space in your pack they vanish. 3 dunno never really bothered about skins. 4 clearing lootpiles scouting round other building chance is yes another loot pile will spawn with other stuff. tin cans are actually usefull.
  14. killavirus

    Spawn points for boxes of matches? Help!

    should be able to find some !! http://dayzdb.com/map#2.066.067;item=Box%20of%20Matches
  15. killavirus

    The most valuable thing in the game…

    Better yet is finding another player and actually not shooting each other and profiting from teamplay
  16. If the admin force load the map it resets all the vehicles.
  17. in my base :D vehicles are highly sought after, most servers will restart and then hit the server fast knowing where vehicles are going to be. You may get lucky every now and then, but in the time you find one and get all the parts to it it is probably going to be gone by that time. Your best bet is to look for a camp or join the teasmspeak of the server your joining and asking the clan if they have a spare vehicle.
  18. If im alone i would co-operate. if i have freinds with me i would prolly tell the bandit there is more than 1 of us and he might be making a mistake
  19. killavirus

    beans hack ?

    but your is null and void in answer to my post. i understand your post but it means nothing in relation to the thread :/ Sorry to have wasted your time.
  20. killavirus

    beans hack ?

    @techercizer i think you might have missed the point of the post :/
  21. killavirus

    Noob tip # 68254

    sorry mate thats number 68254 no point getting it wrong :P
  22. killavirus

    DayZ Tactical Mil-Sim Platoon

    If your so fed up with work why play a army sim game ?? Not everybody is in the army :/
  23. killavirus

    IF this was an actual game...

    Should of done a poll :/