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Everything posted by killavirus

  1. killavirus

    Travel Photo book

  2. killavirus

    My character us unkillable.

    Well done for being so honest !
  3. Endgame is building a heli
  4. BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAAHAAAAA ^^i never thought i would be laughing at threads where people have lost stuff. I've now played long enough :D
  5. I dont. But today we had a car in cherno at the hospital and a new starter started running around us and pulling zeds. He died :/
  6. sounds like karma to me :)
  7. i think bases should only be attackable when players registered with the base are online or inside the base. otherwise it could easily be abused. No vehicle hoarding inside the bases. Would love to have open design possibilities. When you register with a base you get a key and a marker on your map. If you are killed somebody can take the key and get teh marker on the map and they can just waltz in if they want. The key should be non droppable (stop people from just hiding them every time they leave). Need toolbox and scrap metal to make new lock (if your quick enough). if your base is powered there should be lights outside the entrance. I think with those ideas it would give a good balance to wether you should have a large or small base. Large clans could be infiltrated and smaller clans wouldnt be abused when offline.
  8. killavirus


    Wow seriously guys !!! where on this forum is he supposed to post ???? if there were a moonspeak section then fine he could go post there but there is not ! you guys really are a bunch of pricks
  9. why do you presume every vehicle is a bandit stash ?? Survivors use vehicles too
  10. yup 3 of them :P always find em when you dont need em :D
  11. http://lowlifescum.com/Files/ARMA2_OA_Build_94945.zip people are finding it very hard to download this file so though t i would add it to our clan site. Enjoy
  12. Well i have seeded over 12 gigs worth of the patch :/ use p2p i am happy helping to distribute
  13. killavirus

    Switch between Day Z and vanilla ARMA?

    Put the Following in a .Bat file in your Operation Arrowhead folder. Create shortcut on desktop Job done **this will also run it in 9700 mode as well as six launcher only runs it in 9444 mode. you can join both server types when launcing this way. SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS :v64_path_a2 For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%B) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO v32_path_a2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa) :v32_path_a2 For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%C In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%D) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO uac_PATH_A2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa) :uac_PATH_A2 @FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%I IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%J) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO std_PATH_A2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa) :std_PATH_A2 @FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%K IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%L) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO ENDfailA2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa) :v64_path_a2oa For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%E In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2OAPATH=%%F) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO v32_path_a2oa) ELSE (GOTO RUN) :v32_path_a2oa For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%G In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do set (_ARMA2OAPATH=%%H) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO uac_PATH_A2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN) :uac_PATH_A2OA @FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%M IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%N) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO std_PATH_A2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN) :std_PATH_A2OA @FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%O IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%P) IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2OAPATH (GOTO ENDfailA2OA) ELSE (GOTO RUN) :run call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;expansion;expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@DayZ;" -nosplash -world=empty %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 ENDLOCAL :end @exit /B 0 :ENDfailA2 @exit /B 1 :ENDfailA2OA @exit /B 2
  14. killavirus

    Cherno-There are no friendly's in Cherno...

    I normally Charge into Cherno Get medical supplies and leave quickly ! Although if i see anybody not shooting me on the way i will happily give blood transfusion or spare hatchets etc etc if i have them.
  15. killavirus

    Dislike option for comments

    actually agree with this.
  16. although not a perfect solution, to stop people disconecting during PVP just put a cooldown timer on logging off. Better yet would be a quick check to see how many zombies/players are within a certain radius, and if lets say over 4 you have to stay still for 30 seconds to be able to log off. Bandit killed my mate so i crawled down the control tower stairs and gave it to him with the hatchet before he passed out he disconnected :/ if he had a 30 second cooldown it wouldnt be an issue. If your bleeding you cannot log out, if you have taken damage in the last 30 seconds you cannot log out, And Flame away ...... yes i did do a search first couldnt find any other posts
  17. Apologies i did a search on "Cooldown on exit" nothing came up
  18. killavirus

    Where do I get the mini map?

    Ctrl+M when you find GPS
  19. killavirus

    New DayZ player inbound. Any tips/hints?

    Dont stay in coastal towns.
  20. killavirus

    Why players shoot on sight.

    Well i had somebody sneak up behind me today say freindly, so i gave him a blood transfusion (twice lol) Then 2 min later he got shot. Since the increased diffuculty of zombies, bandits now just spawn camp. Its not the banditry that is the problem, but the spawn camping as such go into any town on coast you have a 78% chane of getting shot. Just ignore the coastal towns. Hit cherno or elektro get some medic supplies up to you if you bother with hatchet. Then peg it dont worry about guns and ammo or knives that can be found later. Move the bandits further out spread them out gives people just starting a better chance.
  21. killavirus

    How to deal with 1.7.2 zombies

    :/ Dunno man i shoot a gun then 2 minutes later the horde of zombies from the next town over finally make it to my position and attack me. It has literally got to the point i shoot a zombie and scan the area think oh great all clear lets go, then suddenly another three have just appeared from god knows where !
  22. killavirus

    Were We Nuked ?

    please remove this video if a hacker see's this were all fucked. Rocket can we have our bunkers like right now !!!
  23. killavirus

    Spawn as bird?

    run fraps
  24. killavirus

    Two different characters?

    only new servers are limited to min of 40 players. >40 are likley to be old servers