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Mugen (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Mugen (DayZ)

  1. Why don't you PM Matt if you feel you've been overlooked, probably better than making a whole thread about it. You've made a great contribution so I'm sure you'd be considered if there's any places left.

    We've been told that there are no more places left for testers so I really don't want to encourage any more threads on the subject.

    I have.I was just figuring that i would be overlooked because the amount of pms and emails that he gets.Thanks for the compliment btw.

    So, you're trying really hard to get this access key aren't you?

    Like i said,i've been pretty much playing DayZ since the start.Put a good 550+ hours into it so of course i would like early access.

    Well guys, that is who Matt and the team are looking for, the guys who helped start it all

    if it's truly him then i think this thread is perfectly acceptable

    hope you record some footage if you do! :)

    Thanks for the words of encouragement.I really appreciate it.

  2. Alright guys hear me out.

    During an interview with Rhinocrunch,Matt Lightfoot said "We want to invite people that started the DayZ community and people that really contributed.Like the people that helped out in the really early days of the mod,like ShackTac and CHKilroy."

    Now the reason why i believe i derserve a key is because this is my video:

    I'm pretty sure alot of you have seen this video in particular.

    It showed how cruel and unforgiving the world of Chernarus was and how you could lose everything in the blink of an eye.It also displayed RP elements which added greatly to the immersion.This video was released roughly two weeks after CHKilroy's first DayZ video.I started playing DayZ when there was only FOUR servers and when you had to spam the connect button just to be lucky and squeeze in the server.I would consider myself a DayZ veteren.

    This video has been featured or talked about on several gaming articles talking about DayZ and it was even on tv in Germany (i had the video favorited but unfortunately it was removed =/ ).Tons of people even told me that my video was the reason that they downloaded DayZ and loved it.

    One of my pictures is even on the homepage =D Let me know your opinion.

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  3. You might not particularly like their style but some of the early Youtubers really brought DayZ to the attention of a lot of people.

    I first saw a video last May and thought "I have to play this game!" I was hooked before i'd even downloaded the actual mod.

    I had the video of myself getting robbed and killed on a highway and i didn't get any beta =[
