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Everything posted by Denzy

  1. Denzy

    How many Murders until your a Bandit?

    If one becomes a bandit, does their appearance change or something?
  2. I found an AS50 in a tent a few days ago. Instead of getting rid of my M14 AIM, I decided to keep both of them - one on hand and the other in my backpack and swapping them as necessary. I have been doing this for a few days now without any trouble. However, just recently when I logged back into the server my AS50 from my backpack is gone. The ammo remains, and my M14 AIM in my main hand is also present. However the AS50 has just vanished. Is this a known issue? I have never experienced this with any other items. :( :( :( EDIT. After logging in/out a couple of times the spot the AS50 is now an M14 AIM - which shows now that I have one in my bag and on-hand... strange! my AS50 has turned into an M14 AIM :(
  3. Something very dodgy occurred minutes ago. Anyways I have been on my character for a few days now, got some decent gear and was ready to survive on my own. Got to Berezino and decided to get some supplies as I was walking into one of the apartments my character randomly teleported to some new zone or debug zone. I literally saw dozens of characters a car and a helicopter all in one location. It was a massive shoot fest. I crapped myself not knowing what the hell happened. Either way everyone was shooting like crazy. It was night time and all you could see was gun fire. Ended up getting killed. Very disappointed. Literally the whole server was teleported to this one location with vehicles and helicopters. By far the worst bug I have ever encounted. Feel sorry for all those survivors who have been on weeks without getting killed and then getting finished off by a bug.
  4. Denzy

    A WTF moment...

    So annoyed! It happened so fast. All that loot I spent hours gathering just went to waste. Things like this just ruin your appetite :(
  5. I logged out of a server not long ago, because I connected to a US one instead of an AU one and when I logged into the Australian/NZ server I appeared near the shore with all my gear, however I am not 100% sure where I really am. If I look over the rocks I can see a tiny rock/island and on the right is an old destroyed ship with a large mountain and a communication tower. I think I am here... Behind me is a light tower. This must be some kind of bug. I was near town far north, and then respawned near water on some island. Strange. Not sure If i can swim over, without losing any items.
  6. First of all - great mod! I spent $30 on steam just to check it out and definately worth the buy. At first the whole concept and in-game mechanics were quite complex for a beginner such as myself. After a few days I got the hang of it and started to explore. Within a few hours I managed to find trademarks that would help me get to the airbase. I managed to obtain a lot of nice loots and rare items over the past few days of playing the game. Not only did I help players along the way, but I also took care of bandits - and also becoming one myself at times. However... Certain things have seriously frustrated - so much so that I even logged onto these forums to release my frustrations. In the past 24 hours things have just hit the fan. I had several nice items (i.e. DMZ, SD pistol, NVG, etc.) Next thing I put on a cameo I found - and bang! Everything went poof! And for some reason I started to swim on land. Awesome bug. I read about it minutes after it occurred. First frustration. Second frustration. A few times I logged in only to find I am bleeding and have a broken leg for no reason. Third frustration. Three times in the past 24 hours the NZ/AU servers that I have played on from the beginning have lost connection. Worst case scenario. Lost all items had to recreate an account. An hour ago, I was playing a new character made it all the way to Stary Sabor with loot and whatnot along the way - and BANG! Session ended. Fingers crossed I have some temporary save path. Guess not... Lost everything and had to create a new character. Fourth frustration. Zombies! Actually they are pretty easy to deal with in certain situations. But at times they would go through doors and walls and brake my leg. Other times they would detect you even when your a mile a way with 1 bar of sound and sight during night. Very random. Not to mention they run like superman on crack! I think thats about it. Love the game, but going through this on a daily basis just takes a lot of the love away. I think I need a break from Day Z and perhaps wait a few months before a more improved version arrives! Assuming I dont get addicted to Guild Wars 2... :P
  7. I am new to the mod, and so far enjoying the game immensely. I have tried using the search on the forums and Google, and it keeps showing me topics about items and vehicle spawns. My question: How do player spawns work? For example, is it preset on certain destinations that you are closest to or recently explored? or do they just send you near the ocean like I have experienced? Basically, If I go in the middle of the map and die, will I re-spawn somewhere nearby, or straight to the default destinations around the ocean?