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synnyster tick

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Everything posted by synnyster tick

  1. synnyster tick

    Hunting Knife and Cannibalism Ideas

    long term cannibalism leads to uncontrolable shaking. I think that would keep people from doing it to often... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_%28disease%29
  2. So I’ve been reading up on things they want to put in the standalone, and it occurred to me that if you can knock other players out, and amputate limbs we could potentially be seeing limb bandits... Just think about it. You’re running through Cherno, fresh spawn, and all of a sudden you get knocked out... when you come to you have no limbs and your lying in the middle of the road... completely fucked!!!
  3. synnyster tick

    Most wanted list

    if players can post notes in the standalone, then you could see a note pin to the wall of known bandits on the server.
  4. synnyster tick

    [Admin] Question about hackers

    can we get this translated to propper english?
  5. synnyster tick

    Why don't more players play like this?

    I use to make dumb jokes like these... but then i took a... oh whats the point?
  6. synnyster tick

    dayz players are racist

    so i just started playing dayz a few days ago and I am very impressed with the attention to details but i do have one problem... every time i play as a black guy i get shot on sight. Now i don't know if i just keep running into paranoid players or what but when i first started playing i wasn't black and people helped me or at least left me alone. so you tell me are dayz players racist and should i change my dude back to a white guy?
  7. synnyster tick

    dayz players are racist

    i like how at the end of this thread we sum things up like an aggressive after school special
  8. synnyster tick

    lost connections thread

    Blake, Sebastian, and josh! we were at the hospital then were picked up by chopper. Lost my connection hoping you guys see this. also lost connections thread. maybe you meet some survivors right before DCing maybe you wana find um maybe this is the tread to post in to maybe find them maybe