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Everything posted by 7ofswords

  1. 7ofswords

    Just installed new hotfix problem..

    I'm seeing a similar issue. I'm not sure if it's something I did or not, but the servers indicate that I am running and that the server is on despite the server name being updated.
  2. 7ofswords

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I don't like starting without a weapon. In my opinion it doesn't add to the enjoyment of respawning, it detracts from it. I can definitely understand why some folks might like it. I'd love to see it made a "Hardcore" server setting so the crowd looking for that experience can find it. It seems like the community in other threads is already sharply divided on the subject. This seems like a reasonable alternative. Other important notes: I'm not bashing Rocket. I'm not calling anyone gay. I'm not criticizing people who like this change, I'm just really, really not one of them.
  3. As a side note: A friend of mine just bought the game after listening to me talk about it non-stop for the past month. His initial experience with it was awful due to this change just going in. He died four times, never once reaching a gun as I made my way halfway across the map to reach him. We already need to run around the map to meet up, why try to make fresh spawning more irritating? I'm not saying dying should be rewarded, but having a pistol, some food and basic medical supplies takes some of the frustration away from losing all the sweet gear you just spent hours collecting. I really hope you revert this change.
  4. I'm still getting that error LVG. I've managed to get into some servers before trying this, but no zombies or gear appear, I can't interact with my gear and my GUI elements aren't updating.
  5. No. The user pain with this change is exceptionally high.
  6. First of all, you can pick up a flare. Hell, you can even shoot with a flare in your hands. However, you are an instant target from miles away when you use a flare, so nobody does that. I feel that starting players with a green chem light would be a good solution. Chem lights don't provide much light, but they do give new players enough illumination to scavenge for loot without letting everyone in the world know where they are. Chemlights only last an hour, so a new player on a night server would feel the pressure to acquire another light source quickly. For our professional bean-stealing friends a chem light can still be easily spotted in a darkened area, it just doesn't make your job as braindead simple as it is now.
  7. 7ofswords

    IF this was an actual game...

    I would happily pay $50 for the game itself. Offer premium DLC twice a year for around $15 a piece. The world would pay, and regular heavy infusions of content do wonders for bringing churned players back to the game. The community should host their own servers. It's less expensive for you and more fun for us. Definitely do a kickstarter. You already have a proof of concept that is selling ARMA 2 boxes right now. (12 people I know on my steam list bought ARMA 2 for this mod.) You have plenty of credibility. The faster the better on the above, I desperately want to give you money for all the fun I'm having.