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About wiggie

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    On the Coast
  1. To the four players, who made yourselves horribly known and eventually killed us at the end of the runway at the north western airfield a few minutes ago. This, is our side of the story. We decided, being nearby, that we would check out the airfield, mainly sticking to the barrack's area in order to secure some better weapons that would allow us to survive longer. Whilst raiding a building, jam packed with goodies, we heard the crack of a rifle, and froze in the dark. We decided to try and locate the source of the gun shot, in order to verify whether or not you were a credible threat, and from the noise alone, we managed to disern that one of you had a 5.56 Nato assault rifle, one was packing a 7.62 precision rifle, and the last (at the time) was wielding a .45 pistol. When we eventually got eyes on you, from afar, hidden in the tree's, we saw you moving from hanger to hanger, putting down zombies in a fairly noisy fashion. For a good fifteen minutes we followed you, proned in the grass, scoping you with binoculars. However, we never had intent to engage you. At this time, our group was divided, me and another were stalking you through the grass, whilst the other half of our crew was scouting further up the runway. We tracked you to the hill, and watched you for a long time, creeping ever closer to disern what you had and who you were in the dark. That is when you opened up on us. I returned fire with the AKS74, my friend, beside me, with the AKM. We aren't sure if we hit any of you, but we made a break for the tree's in some attempt to survive. How you spotted us, I have no idea, I assume that one of you had night vision optics, or possibly thermal imaging, but despite my random, completely spontanious strafing, you still managed to put me down, with what I assume was a machine gun (juging by the tracer fire). I wen't for a cigarette then, and thus didn't hear what happened to my other two friends, but I know that they were killed too. A fair fight, though it was rather one sided in your favour, with higher ground, superior weapons and numbers on your side, but by fair, I mean fun. Even when I hit the deck, riddled with lead, I wasn't particularly bothered. Our death's were the result of our curiosity, but I would rather go down in a firefight than falling off of a stairs, or being ended by a swinging door. Fair play to all of you, and good luck on your travels!
  2. wiggie

    IF this was an actual game...

    One of payment, no subscriptions. Studio Development No Kickstarter, all a Kickstarter says is "Help, I wan't to make games but have no means or skills to do so, and require massive funding" You've got the skills already, you've got the fanbase already, you don't need a kickstarter to make a good game.
  3. You probably opened up his backpack, that incidently had nothing in it. The backpack is a proxied item in ARMA II: OA, therefore it is not just a change to the model, it is a physical container, much like a weapons box in base game ARMA, that is stuck to the units back. Almost always when you aim at a body, it will detect the backpack first, instead of the player itself. But I agree with some of the harsher posts. If you brought ARMA II just because you wanted DayZ, you will end up suffering for it... Go and play ARMA II, get used to how the game plays, because the tutorials teach you the need to know stuff, when you come up against serious ARMA players, who know how things like supression work, you will loose your beans...
  4. If you go into ARMA II's editor whilst DayZ is installed, you can sift through lots of things that have been added with the mod, mainly units and item models that do nothing. There are a few of interest that are new on the BlueFor side; BAF Light Rifleman named Survivor A Bluefor PMC named Survivor A bluefore version of Doctor Annie Baker, named Survivor, A Ghillie Suited Sniper, named Survivor A BAF Officer, named Rocket, and finally, I can't remember where it is exactly, but an Alsation that is tagged as BlueFor instead of Ambient Life. I use the editor a lot to build misisons for my team, and I found them all whilst rooting around for units. So considering that its been added to the faction with DayZ, I would pretty much say that it is coming to the mod, as in part, it is already there.
  5. wiggie

    how may arma copys was sold bedfor dayZ?

    I've owned ARMA II since it was released back in 2009, and had Armed Assault before that. I play ARMA because I love the reality that it brings to my gaming sessions, and as a tactical gamer, I prefer the depth and realism to the fast paced action of other shooters. However, I'm not trying to big myself up here as the greatest fan of all time. I think, that DayZ has helped ARMA II sell more copies, and for that, I'm greatful. I also like the game, which is odd for me because I'm not really a zombie fan. However, I dislike this mentality that ARMA II is now just some object you have to buy for DayZ, and it pisses me off that a game of such calibre has been reduced somewhat in status because youtube is flooded with a mod. I will stop now because I tend to go on when I chat on forums, but though I agree, and would say that DayZ has helped BI sell more copies of the game, I think its unfair to say that ARMA 2 is only popular because of DayZ.