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Jackie Chan

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Everything posted by Jackie Chan

  1. Jackie Chan

    i give you 2 blood bag for a little favour

    Why the hell is everyone saying "inb4"?
  2. Sup guys, been awhile since I came back to the god forsaken KOS shithole which is DayZ. I mean like really, It's been a really really long time. Almost a year to be exact, and I check in on occasion and I've been playing a ton of Origins, It's really kept me from giving up on the old girl. When I left the forums and DayZ behind, there was hackers, I mean a lot of hackers, and just to indulge my curiosity I went back to DayZ pub. It's dead, I mean this in the nicest way possible (which is not a lot) I can't find a server with over 20+ pop, and when I do. *BANG* broken legs, Insta-kill. I came to type this topic out with the plan on not flaming, not to be like "oh rocketz u suk fagit" I am a little surprised though, I mean is there really this many hackers still playing? Since it's very unlikely that any of you play pub still, I'd like to ask a question, or a series of questions. Don't answer if you don't like, I am just curious. *How long have you been playing? *Public or Private? (Chernarus) *Which mod(s) do you play on? *Do you play in a group? *Are you excited for SA?
  3. You may be wondering Jackie Chan what are you doing playing DayZ you're in your late 40's give it a brake But most of you may be wondering as to why, I want to optain a old (Really old) version of Dayz. you see I was playing arma2 along time before DayZ and I played in many arma clans but it was not a thrill I liked hardcore games so I played fallout 1 Without saving (Iron-man-mode) which it is sometimes known as. But I digress really I want to play the old DayZ because to quite frank Dayz now is just shit There I said it feel free to chase me with pitchforks but old DayZ was amazing no skript-kiddies no glitches (As far as I know of, no one made a lot of DayZ videos when I started playing) and you started with an revolver Side-chat was still in and it felt better than it does now. So all I am really wondering does anyone have an old version of DayZ and if you do know where I could get it please point in the direction but having it is pointless unless there is a server to play it with which I am hoping to get a host of some sort to run that version of Dayz. So to recap: Blah Blah Blah, talk shit about new DayZ, Looking for an older version of DayZ, I am sexually torn, So I hope you like the video be sure to.... Like, Comment and Subscribe Jackie Chan <3
  4. Jackie Chan

    [K-50] Bandit clan.

    Well since there is no Teamspeak server can I join?
  5. Jackie Chan

    Just need someone to team up with.

    Depending on what map you play on we can play
  6. Jackie Chan

    [GG] clan recruiting (must have skype)

    This clan is racist I join the skype call and then they say "oh god hes British" Downvote Yoloswag
  7. Hello we are The Men Of Chernarus a Dayz Clan started long ago The Men Of Chernarus started in the south and went to the north as we did this we found Cars and Helicopters But soon after all this, a hacker found our base and turned it into a blood bath most was dead As we fought back we only lost more Everyone left to seek for better things as I am the only member Left I am here extending my hand to anyone seeking a place to call home in chernarus if you seek a place in a Dayz clan that is active ready to play and here to stand the test of time look no further We are here to take back chernarus. [Requirements To Join] *You must have a working mic* *You must have Skype* *You must be willing to donate Wednesday and Saturday of your week to play Dayz* *You must be above the age of fourteen* *You must be semi-mature* *You must be in the United Kingdom or Europe* If you fit or can follow all the Requirements above your can join just fill out an application below Have fun play well and may luck be forever on your side or some shit like that :D Jackie Chan COPY AND PASTE \/ \/ \/ {[Application]} [Age] [Maturity Level] (Out Of Ten) [iGN] (In Game Name) [Dayz Played] (How Long you have played DayZ) [skype Name]
  8. Jackie Chan

    Forming a small, CREATIVE playing group

    No replies I wonder why :D
  9. Jackie Chan

    [UKT] recruiting active players

    I found a dead guy of yours on a server
  10. Hello we are The Men Of Chernarus a Dayz Clan started long ago The Men Of Chernarus started in the south and went to the north as we did this we found Cars and Helicopters But soon after all this, a hacker found our base and turned it into a blood bath most was dead As we fought back we only lost more Everyone left to seek for better things as I am the only member Left I am here extending my hand to anyone seeking a place to call home in chernarus if you seek a place in a Dayz clan that is active ready to play and here to stand the test of time look no further We are here to take back chernarus. [Requirements To Join] *You must have a working mic* *You must have Skype* *You must be willing to donate Wednesday and Saturday of your week to play Dayz* *You must be above the age of fourteen* *You must be semi-mature* *You must be in the United Kingdom or Europe* If you fit or can follow all the Requirements above your can join just fill out an application below Have fun play well and may luck be forever on your side or some shit like that :D Jackie Chan COPY AND PASTE \/ \/ \/ {[Application]} [Age] [Maturity Level] (Out Of Ten) [iGN] (In Game Name) [Dayz Played] (How Long you have played DayZ) [skype Name]
  11. Jackie Chan

    Traders and Traitors

    Well me and my clan were killed by hackers once we get our shit back on track we canHave a system going that goes above the +10 to like +15 or +20 each giving better rewards
  12. D4G is the name of the clan that kicked me when I was on this server hackers came killed everyone When I made a complaint then I was banned reason insult Yep I am waiting for WarZ
  13. Jackie Chan

    Banned from DE 2511 D 4 G Admin abuse

    Can Anyone help me with this
  14. Jackie Chan

    Traders and Traitors

    Can I donate to the reward thing so people can choose different things
  15. Jackie Chan

    Traders and Traitors

    I was thinking of donating MAN VS WILD and I understand he is trying to be niceI was stating I had that stuff and it should go to someone more deserving
  16. Jackie Chan

    Traders and Traitors

    I have both
  17. Hello all I have been looking for an M136 Launcher as the title states But I have been looking for a while and have not found one so I call onto you my fellow survivors. If you do have one just reply to this topic *A NOTE ABOUT THE TRADE* *I will have two guards with me* *It will be in a open field* *You are allowed to bring as many guards as you like* Name whatever you want for it the launcher must come with rockets Jackie Chan