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Everything posted by Wesch

  1. Hi there, Since I have problems with my DayZ, ArmA and everything I can join just a few servers, so could you recommend me some good public servers with no hackers and often loot (I mean guns esspecially C:) on 100296 version?
  2. Huge thanks for advice, but after few reinstalls, and some additional invention I've made it. Sorry for bothering and thanks for concern.
  3. My problem: Bad serial number given in setup. I followed the guide to get this solution: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138564 And at the 11. point I'm stuck. Because this menu is grey, I can't change it. It shows "Only subkeys". So completing next points would be useless, but still I tried them and I can't apply any changes for my user! When I press apply, and OK it all unmarks, unticks, and I have the previous settings. Please tell me what to do, or what am I doing wrong?
  4. Hello, I'm new in Day Z, I played for two days and I really love it and I see that to enjoy it fully you should find a mate to play, the one who feels it too. So, I'm 15 (soon 16) yrs old, speaking english and polish (native) looking for mate or two, I'd like to communicate by TeamSpeak 3, channel - any. My ingame nick is same as on forums - Wesch. I hope there're lot of lonely survivors :) Cheers
  5. Moderators? feel free to remove it :) Thanks.