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About senz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. senz

    Worst day in History to Start?

    To be frank, you don't really need weapons. If you shoot one zombie you're going to attract more of them, which is never a good thing. I usually just crawl around them, when you're flat on your belly they can be very close without noticing you. I think the most useful weapon you can get is a hatchet, kills them quietly if you attract them. At least until you can get something badass like an M4 or something.
  2. senz

    First impression: This sucks.

    Jesus Christ... I'll point out that I said "First Impression", indicating that it's my first impression, not my final opinion. I obviously didn't make the thread just to bash your precious mod, I asked you questions about it and simply wrote down what my first experience was like and you all got butthurt and started flaming me for it, so don't put this crap on me. I never said it was too hard, I said it was boring. The whole purpose of this thread was to get people to tell me what I'm doing wrong and give me some confirmation on whether or not it was necessary to adjust the graphics - like I already said, how am I supposed to know what the game is supposed to look like? I've had the game looking and working fine since before the second post I wrote in this thread, I simply asked about it because I wasn't sure whether or not it was supposed to be blurry. I never cared what people on the internet said to me, it doesn't affect me in any way, it just annoys me that people these days use anonymity as an excuse for acting like douchebags. Anyway, from now I'm ignoring everyone who don't have something useful or constructive to say. I'm very thankful for all the constructive and helpful replies I've gotten, I just wish they didn't get drowned in hostile posts. I've been playing with some friends for the past few hours and we're having lots of fun.
  3. senz

    First impression: This sucks.

    Well I forgot to mention in my second post that I also fixed the blurriness by setting the 3D resolution to the same as the actual resolution. It's not exactly implied, I've been playing games since I was like 12 years old (before the trolls comment on it, I'm 22 now) and I have never seen a game with that option in the video settings. I did ask if it was supposed to be like this, how was I supposed to know this wasn't how the devs wanted it to look? I enjoy playing games, not playing around with their video settings. I'm not being rude, I haven't insulted anyone and I'm having trouble understanding why people immediately jump to flaming and insulting me when I'm simply just stating my opinion about the mod. I even said I was going to give it a good try with my friends before ditching it. The internet has really gone downhill since everyone learned how to use it, it used to be such a nice and friendly place. For the most part anyway. Now all games are just infested with rude, raging kids who take any opportunity to belittle and harass people for no reason, it's a friggin tragedy. Also, I don't play COD. I don't even own a copy of any of the x completely identical games in the series, so stop telling me to play it.
  4. senz

    First impression: This sucks.

    Wow, many of you guys are just mean.. To everyone else, thanks for the tips and thanks for the offer to help me out, but I have some friends who play and I'm probably going to try playing for a bit with them before I decide whether to uninstall or not. I don't get how you can possibly disagree on that this game needs some serious work though.. It's not exactly polished, I played for an hour or two after I made this thread and I can't really say I've found anything that's near the standards of most games and mods these days, except for maybe the environment. Seems to me like the devs should focus less on adding more features like dogs and whatever else they have planned, and more on making everything that's already here work properly.
  5. Ok, so I just bought the games and spent hours setting up this game because it was rumored to be awesome, and after playing for about 20 minutes I don't really want to continue. It's all blurry as hell (is it like this for everyone?) so I can barely see what's what, I can't seem to open doors, I found an axe but apparently that only chops trees or something, I couldn't figure out how to apply a bandage when I was bleeding from a zombie attack, everything just seems ridiculously overcomplicated and what's even the point of this game? The way I was described I imagined a game similar to STALKER and I have no problem with things being hard or anything but this isn't hard it's just boring. I thought it was supposed to be realistic, so why can't I enter 90% of the buildings I come by? Surely I could have just broken a window with my flashlight or a rock if the door was locked? I can't even jump.. It seems like it's just a rather poorly constructed world filled with static props and the occasional item spawn, and of course a ton of zombie spawns. Is that all this game is? Just running around looking for items and staying away from zombies?