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Everything posted by rybo

  1. rybo

    Who still uses Mosin (+LRS) for range kills?!

    Only weapon I use. But I take off the scope in city's or CQB. I use the PU for 100-400m. Then I use the LRS for everything else. 1000m kills and all....
  2. rybo

    Forum names = no kos

    My in game name is the same as my forum name here "RyBo". I'd do the same if I remembered them.
  3. rybo

    Opened doors are not random!

    Approved by Rockett and being built fundamentally into our new central loot system. Camping fresh servers till the server restart every 30mins ins't hopping per say. That's just Alpha and Admins with 1Hr servers hell even the 4hr servers are crashing every 45mins. Hopping would be going from server to server every 10mins at best untill I found someone to shoot. Which isn't what I'm doing. But being a @sshole by not making a constructive comment isn't somthing I normally do..Call it what you will.
  4. rybo

    Opened doors are not random!

    I hopped over 100 bunkers and not one spawned with all the doors closed. More than likely it was someone like me who came and closed them all. They are always the same doors that are open. Nutten random about it. I repeat. Nothing random about it... Edit: I hop to hunt server hoppers. Call me a camper if you will...
  5. rybo

    How did you last die?

    Last two times in .49 were to wall glitchers. The time before that was to a speed hacking and bragging about it d-bag. He went from Slevt to Balota killing everyone. My buddy's spread out threw the world all met him. One by one the man slayed every player on the server. /facepalm..Not even a weak in and we got a hacker. As for wall glitches that may never be fixed...
  6. rybo

    Where are the Smersh vests?

    In other words wait for someone to post on Youtube how too dupe in .49 Then wait 2 weeks. Head to Berno and reap the sweet lootz. All you need is a working weapon. I'd recommend a Mosin+LRS cause most dupers like to COD it with automatics and unlimited clips. Best to keep a distance till you drop them.
  7. This isn't RL and switching weapons takes about twice as long as it does in RL so no I, never carry a side arm when I have a automatic. If say I have a Mosin then yes I, carry one. Longhorn is nice also. But once you find a AK with PSO-1 the Longhorn is junk again. What I try to carry as a sidearm is a sawed of shotty. Good for dropping freshies without killing them if you aim for the legs.
  8. Play as you will but I personally feel a large portion of this game is immersion. Being locked in first person increases this dramatically. This is a fundamental in recent video games. FPS titles especially. I don't ever see 3pp being removed from DayZ due to the game being developed with it. Even back in Mod days. Plus the game is beautiful if you have a nice PC and everyone loves to check out how awesome there characters look, me included. To each his own but I say remove 3pp.. Edited: I'll add that an improvement to the 3pp camera is something I truly hope for. Being able to lay down on a roof and watch the street below and many other quirks like this ruin 3pp for me. Everything else about it I love. So it's a love hate relationship that I hope we can be worked out in counseling. I still voted to remove it for immersions sake.
  9. rybo

    They nerfed characters.

    Am I the only one to notice that he's dieing of cold and not dieing of overheating? Build a fire yo!
  10. Alt+F4. That should save it all to your hard disk.....
  11. rybo

    Is it to easy to gear up?

    Lulz, give me 30mins and I'll have everything but an m4. Give me another 30mins after that in Svetlo and I'll have an m4 with infinite mags and 2 yellow cases full of grenades.
  12. rybo

    Horse in game

    Yes, more than any vehicle. Even more than a helicopter. Only for the reason that horses would inadvertently becomes mans main transportation after an Apoc. So without them it wouldn't feel right. Plus as stated vehicles will require a groups worth of effort to get started while a horse can be taken on by one man. Add in dogs before or after and we have a winner... Don't get me wrong I still want my choppers!
  13. Get her name and report the DOB...Evidence on file. She will now be $30 poorer and hopefully she has a Steam account with tons of games!
  14. rybo

    Are tents working yet?

    That's Exp. But since that's on hold I doubt we will see the fix on Stable we so desperately need... It's on twitter..Said hot fix this week as of last week. Either way we never know till it's up... All I know is they need a hot fix for the basic stuff like melee and such. The loot and tents can wait..
  15. rybo

    Pistol Only

    FTP.. G/L.....
  16. rybo

    Fully automatic mosins!

    Yep, I don't have a link since it's not up but my buddy was lucky enough to record his Mosin going full auto out of now where. He's working on getting it posted to youtube for the lulz. Seems to be a glitch for the most part but who really ever knows...
  17. Once took a Mosin round to my Kevlar. I was KO'd for about 30 seconds before I got up with a fountain pouring out of my head. I bandaged and survived..
  18. rybo

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    You have a bandana over your face. Your kill on sight for the greater good of all Bambi's to come. I wouldn't give it a second. The camo and the other masks other than Payday are legit by me though.
  19. rybo

    Love the New Sway

    Lulz, walking into a room and lighting up a bunch of people requires no more skill than the guy sniping. In fact it's about 1000% easier to hit an object point blank than at range in Dayz and Arma. I could maybe agree to that it could be safer? But even then there's more skill in finding a good position to snipe than opening a door with your rifle already up with both hands on the rifle and ready to go. Which is absurdly unrealistic. The guy who is sniping is normally caring a bolt action rifle and at best a pistol maybe a MP5K if so lucky. That sniper is an easy kill should you get close enough. It's all apples to oranges man. As someone who played over 3000k of Arma and well over 1000k in Dayz and then over 500 in DayZ SA. I'd personally say sniping is harder than being a door kicker any day of the week. Especially due to the fact the engine renders characters completely visible at long distances. You can glance a hill and spot a sniper under a tree behind a bush so fast it's laughable. I play both styles depending on my mood and I've always found sniping to be much harder. As long as your not server hoping to your sniper position than logging off in place after killing some noobs that is. If they were to use all the exploits at the moment I'd say you could chalk it up to easy noobzor mode. But not everyone does that. After that first shot is taken you have just as good as a chance to spot and kill him as he did you. I mean come on with over 3k comments you have got to have at least two or three hand fulls of sniper kills via your characters bare fists! 99% are lone shooters in game on top of that. Couldn't get any more fair than that. Just cause he had patience and another didn't doesn't make his job any easier than another. If you managed to hold still long enough in or near a high loot building that's not the snipers lack of skill. It's the other way around. If you play smart and don't stop moving chances are they will miss and that's when you go after them. And "all the advantages in the world" wont save that sorry sniper after he gave away his position. If hes gone by the time you got there it's no different than the guy who shot at you from 5' away outside the window of the house your in and ran of into the sunset. And as for the page up page down comment. Literately spinning my dial so I can shoot another 100 yards is allot easier than you think. Add in a BDC Reticule and spinning is for old people. Times have changed. I have no military experience and I don't hunt on the regular but figuring out how to use a scope is far from rocket science. That kind of stuff doesn't kick in till after 600m anyways when environmental distortion accusers. I use and own a Nightforce NXS 2.5-10x MOA/MOA "MOAR" and I have yet to ever spin the dials. I have it sighted in for 200m which gets me a 50m zero also and the rest I can compensate via middle school math in my head and then proceed to adjust via Kentucky wind-age. I shoot over 600m at a target that's 10" by 18" with a 556 and hunt coyotes time to time. In regards to the human form I'm basically talking only head shots. Give me a .308 and I could do the same at 800 yards. Add in wind in it's still a fairly easy. Unless they toss in some Afgan 30mph+ gusts. Which I've only experienced once and it only took me 1 shot to get on target at 575 yards. For the factors your leaning towards Dayz would need to be in the Arctic circle for it to be "legitimate" by your standards. And no I don't shoot at a Range or with bags. Just prone with a bi-pod where ever we can find the distance. Be it on top of a snowy mountain in the Cascades to the flat running valleys at sea level below or the foot hills on the Eastern side of the mountains. Rain, sleet, snow it makes no difference. Shooting is only as difficult as you perceive it to be. Hence why most women are better first time shooters than males but, that's another subject. It's also sad to see people crap on one play style while they praise another when in the end there's no real difference. I'm the Sheriff over at our Elektro Police Dept. and all we do as a Steam group is kick in doors. But, I fully understand why and how difficult it is to try other tactics such as sniping. It's not like they have invis hacks with god mode or a squad to back them up. It's all about mind set. #NotAllSnipers
  20. My bad. As stated thought you were the sniper coming up after me. I shot your buddy and when you said it was fine and then said you were friendly. I let my guard down and put some trust in you. Cause I felt terrible at this point. Once you pulled out your weapon without warning and then pointed it at me to talk, I dumped. I thought you were doing the classic were friendly trick. Cause I noticed you had a Mosin and that put up a red flag. Since I had just been shot by one and now I'm guessing you guys too. Cause I did hear two shots before yall came up the stairs on me. After looking at your loot it's pretty clear you guys were new to the game. Plus one of you guys had ruined gear on you that I didn't hit. What are the chances two different party's run into the same house for cover in that big ass city. Didn't even see you guys around at the time. I came in the front and closed the door and ran up while you guys came in from the rear. Totally thought yall were the sniper. Other than hearing that sniper I hadn't seen or heard anyone in the area in about an hour. I started to strip all your gear so yall could come back to it but of course the server restarted. Again sorry but that's Dayz...And now I feel like an A-hole. I should have yelled out earlier that I wasn't looking for trouble but I was in fight or flight mode and I was fleeing. Once at the top floor I was cornered and I could hear you guys right on my tail. I thought it was the end of the road and buckled down. So instead of being a Hero I straight murdered like a bandit. At some point it does happens to all of us but for the ones that care like me it sucks that it happened. I would have much rather banded up and murdered that A-hole who more or less got me to murder you. Was on the yippee kiyay server.
  21. rybo

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    That's a stab at all the honorable men who gave there lives so you could have the opportunity to have an opinion and be aloud to state it to the masses. But that's my humble opinion. It's fine to think killing noobs in game is not honorable but I would think back to some of the greatest warriors of the world before base lining them all. Sniping is an art form. One which should be admired as any other.
  22. rybo

    Character Movement

    It was stated back when .47 went to Exp to reset your buttons to default otherwise they wont work correctly. After setting mine back to default then remapping to my choice keys the movement is the same as .46. I do feel slightly slower with a weapon out now. But that may just be me.
  23. rybo


    There will be an object limit I'm sure so that will only be viable for a while or until they do some changes. But yes, so very true!
  24. rybo


    See you in 1 month with a I hate this game thread followed a by another post stating you love this game the following month. G/L out there it's still dangerous... All I want is Tents. That's it and I'll be happy with everything else being in Alpha, lulz..