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About iHateForums

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    On the Coast
  1. iHateForums

    Can't right click items in 'Gear' menu

    I have read many...many...many posts trying to fix this issue! I cannot right click any item that needs it. The menu does not dissapear behind/beneath the Gear screen. It simply does not appear at all. I understand you click the picture not the word. I've clicked/rightclicked/middleclicked every little pixel of the Gear screen trying to get bandages for example to pop a menu. I've used DayZ with 6Launcher, with the CMD and the NoSteamOverlay on and off. I've redownloaded DayZ Mod Files many times (the equip pack more than any other). I've reinstalled Arma/ArmaIIOP/Combined. I've tried many many servers, problem persists. I Cannot Right-Click The Required Items! (Tested most often with bandages on a new char, lying bleeding on the beach) If I fix it, or someone helps me fix it, I promise to effing respond to the thread saying such. I hate how ppl post a thread, fix they problem, and simply say "fixed it, thx" if leaving a response at all. post the goddam fix you bastards, others are suffering the same if you've managed to hit a snag thats almost a given. >< /forumhaterant