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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I just got onto DayZ, and there don't seem to be very many servers... At all. the Seattle ones don't even fill up the screen. Anyone else noticed this? Or is there just something wrong with me?
  2. Many of my friends, and a lot of other people on the forums have been having this issue, when you go to join a game and once it gets passed the tank loading screen it crashes. I tried for about 4 hours to fix this, as many different ways I possibly could. I finally found a solution. First: Navigate to your "arma 2 operation arrowhead/Expansion/BattlEye" folder. Following this, run the uninstall.exe Now the folder should be deleted. Go back to the "Expansion" folder and delete the "beta" folder. once this is done, go to your arma 2 folder and uninstall BattlEye here too. This is found in arma 2/BattlEye. Once you have deleted your beta folder and uninstalled both BattlEye's in arma 2 and arma 2 operation arrowhead, download the latest beta patch (however I think it's a little shifty at the moment, so 94876 will do). Now run the Beta .exe and it should stop at 3% and ask you to install BattleEye - do so. Once BattleEye is installed, complete the installation of the beta patch and you're ready to go! Good luck! **EDIT** Go to your arma 2 oa folder > open Expansion > open BattlEye and run the uninstall.exe Go to your arma 2 folder > open BattlEye and run the uninstall.exe (if it isn't there, don't worry about it) Run the game with (the beta should still be installed - doesn't matter what one) Try to join a server - you should get stuck at either Loading or Wait for Host - this is normal Close the game and go back into your arma 2 oa folder > Expansion and delete the beta. Download and install beta patch 94700 It will ask you to install BattleEye, do so. Go into your arma 2 folder > go into BEsetup and run the .exe Go back into your arma 2 oa folder > Expansion> beta and copy the BattleEye folder (DO NOT CUT OR DELETE IT - YOU ARE MAKING TWO COPY'S OF IT). Paste the BattleEye folder in the main arma 2 oa directory. Open arma 2 oa and join a NORMAL arma game. Any will do, as long as it is NOT DayZ and it has BattlEye active. Once in, abort and close the game. Download and install beta patch 94876 and install it. Open arma 2 oa and join a DayZ game.
  3. CPU:Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.99) CPU Cooler:Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($24.99) Motherboard:ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($114.99) Memory:Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($44.99) Storage:Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($89.99) Storage:Samsung 830 Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($189.99) Video Card:Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 3GB Video Card ($369.99) or GeForce GTX 660T($329.99) Case:Corsair 300R ATX Mid Tower Case ($67.41) Power Supply:Corsair Enthusiast 750W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($89.99) Optical Drive:Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer ($22.98) Total: $1205.31
  4. Are you looking for a clan? Or are you recruiting people for a clan?... The requirements part makes it kind of confusing.
  5. You're a little late to the party, mate...
  6. A very solid yes... That's a very good build. Definitely enough to run ArmA at a stable rate.
  7. Ok there's misinformation scattered everywhere here... To clear everything up, it isn't the weapon that is the problem, it is the ammunition. Horsebr is in fact correct about the damage problem, however it's the NATO rounds which are the problem, not the AS50 rifle itself. The 5Rnd 12.7 x 99mm NATO rounds do an absurd amount of damage. Enough to destroy pretty much any vehicle in the mod with a single projectile. The 10Rnd 12.7 x 99mm M107 round does not do nearly as much damage. Solution: get rid of the NATO rounds. As for you, Applejaxc, don't go off insulting other people and calling them out on their misinformation, when you are infact misinformed.
  8. A higher end i5 will do fine. A Intel Core i5-2550K will run you about $250. For the graphics, if you want to stick with ATI, a 7870 and up will do fine. If you're also looking at nVidia, a GTX 480 and up is also a good option. The GPU will run you roughly $250 - $400 depending on what you get. So all up you're looking at about $500+ to run on high settings. Minus possibly selling the card you have now you could drop that to about $380 or so.
  9. liamcz@hotmail.com

    Dayz Friends

    1. How long have you been playing? 2. What maps and mods do you currently have installed? 3. What type of group are you looking for; Bandit or Hero? 4. What country/timezone are you in?
  10. What type of group are you after? The majority of these large groups like TMW can be quit e overwhelming for new players... I suggest you find a group of general players who either play as hero's or bandit's (whatever suits you) and learn the ropes that way before deciding to join a massive group/clan. The best way to find these groups imo is simply in game. Look for people who want to group up/ask in side chat and before you know it you will have either formed a group or joined one. In the span of a single day we accumulated a group of 17 people, so you shouldn't find it too hard :P Good luck!
  11. Hmm.. Sure you'll be able to run it, but run it well? I don't think your specs are optimal. You processor is a decent entry-level CPU, however ArmA is quite demanding on processing power. Your graphics card is the other problem. It's mediocre. While you may not be able to play on max settings, you should be able to handle low-norm fairly well. Just remember to set your post-process to disabled and keep your resolution and 3D resolution constant (100%).
  12. 1. Is this a managed server? 2. Who is it hosted by? 3. Is it dedicated?
  13. liamcz@hotmail.com

    Xbox Live Party

    Buy a 2.5mm - 3.5mm conversion jack. They do make them and are sold in most electronic stores. Not sure where you live so I can't really help you out with what stores sell them. Plus they're like ~$2 to each.
  14. Nope. You just click the Install/Update button up the top of the screen and you can download any maps you want. Then when you look through the server list in DayZ Commander, you find one you want, double click it and it will launch the game with the required parameters automatically and put you straight into that server :)
  15. There are a few servers around which already have this kind of thing made. I'd say your best bet would be to contact them. I'll go see if I can find someone and I'll edit in who to contact. Goodluck! Edit: Try contacting Steak and Potatoes.
  16. Yep. Get DayZ commander. I think all of the veteran players are sick of explaining how to install it :P much easier to use a third party program.
  17. liamcz@hotmail.com

    Am I crazy??

    They would just modify the map file - the same way you can play on Namalsk, Lingor, Taviana etc.
  18. I believe the OP understands this. That is why the post has been made. It wouldn't be too hard to code something like that in. Psedocode: WHEN player='sitting' Visibility='low'
  19. Wouldn't be a ba idea at all. I usually buy $2 coke bottles and thread them into the threaded cap on the end of one of my rifles. Shoot a hole through it once attached and it literally lasts forever. Well, it hasn't broke after about 1,500 rounds through it anyway. However for the SA or whenever this idea may be implemented, I'd say give the bottles a twenty or so round capability before it breaks. Or less - I can imagine that plastic bottles will be in abundance. Also, you can suppress a 12G with a water balloon.. No joke. Look it up on YouTube. Wouldn't be a bad idea if it was assumed the survivor had the skills, parts could be found to actually machine a proper suppressor. I have done it before. It isn't particularly hard. Both 9mm & .45 ACP I have manufactured a suppressor for. A cylindrical tube of steel with clay plated metal cups as buffers, 3 inline with each other running down the tube. Although that's adding an entirely new aspect to the game... Also, adding to Dylanco's post - as I said earlier, any pistol with the ability to attach a suppressor has an extended threaded barrel (unless internally suppressed, of course). This means a bottle would not be too difficult to attach to the extended barrel which pertrudes beyond the end of the upper reciever. Here in Australia, due to laws we can only have handguns which have a barrel length beyond ~120mm (I think -I can't quite remember what). On our Glock 17's, the barrel is always extended as much to meet these requirements. So it is quite possible. I've also got a USP which has an extended barrel to meet the requirements.
  20. It was a rifle. However it could easily stay on if attached to a pistol just as any real suppressor stays on. The barrel is usually extended and the extension is threaded. Therefore the slide would in no way interfere with the bottle. I do assume and have heard that plastic bottles can suppress full bore ammunition also.
  21. Umm... I believe he is referring to Zombies seeing him... Therefore, yes. Sitting should affect visibility the same way it does when crouching.
  22. Yes. It does work. However I have personally only tried it with a .22 Not a bad idea.
  23. Breaking the line of sight behind anything will get rid of them. Not only trees. Also, this should be in the New Player Discussion.
  24. You can ban him. That is all. It's up to BattlEye now. Otherwise, us admins can simply add ffd2b9be4e001445c3230ffa9fc8e0e to our ban list ;)