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About sagrysdebeer@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. sagrysdebeer@gmail.com

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Not really my point, but yes, if its in the game, you CAN do it. This is a sandbox game. Do whatever you like in this virtual world. Further more, its a sandbox game, in its ALPHA stage. My problem with the OP, and those who think like him, is he doesn't know/understand how the game and its rules/mechanics work, but he still feels like he was treated "unfairly" by the game/players. He didn't "deserve" what he got. Fact 1. Any player can shoot anyone else, there is no law/god/rule to stop that. Fact 2. I see an armed stranger in a vehicle. Do I : a) Wave and run up to them expecting cake? B) Shoot them in face? c) All of the above? Lets say I do a). Then I create a forum thread about it, and whine a bit, saying I'm gonna quit, so there :-P And when people point out the rules of the game to me, and where I went wrong, I don't accept what they say. I rationalize how strangers should serve cake because <insert plausible post-apocalyptic scenario here>. Play moar. Understand the "rules". Whine less. Post suggestions. We all win. (btw I'm also very curious to see how Rocket implements a "morality" system, but I promise not to whine about it, much)
  2. sagrysdebeer@gmail.com

    How to farm loot. A guide to collecting what you want. (Outdated)

    Wow, great informative post, thanks Ravin. Saw a lot of empy buildings/deer-stands lately, thought I was just unlucky, that a survivor raided it just before me everytime. Will test the 30m theory tonight, see if anything's changed since 1.7.2 Non-related rant : Sadly, I had to go through so many posts where people argue that this is an "exploit", and/or "lame", to get all the juicy spawn mechanics. 9_9 These people are scrubs. What is a scrub you may ask? David Sirlin's definiton of a scrub: "A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about." Take it up with the devs, not the players. A player is never wrong for taking any, and all, legitimate moves a game allows. So what is a legitimate move? My personal opinion is, if your in-game, anything you can make your character do, is a legitimate move. Running, shooting, crawling, killing... farming ;-) Contentious moves seem to include things like, driving a vehicle off-map, to hide it. I don't consider disconnecting to avoid PvP/zombies a legitimate move. It's not something your character is doing in-game, but the devs know about that problem, in due time they will fix it (I hope, otherwise we can take it up with them). SO, after all that, 1. please stop telling other players how to play the game according to your own set of personal non-lame rules. 2. understand the game's mechanics 3. ??? 4. profit
  3. sagrysdebeer@gmail.com

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    To the OP, (and those who think like him) it seems you think you were playing one game, while actually playing a different game. Crazy right? That doesn't make sense? Let me elaborate, with a silly example... ...let's say I sit down to play a game of tic-tac-toe (Noughts and crosses). And I decide, that I won't use X's (or not use the middle square if that's sounds TOO ridiculous). According to the game rules, I'm allowed to, but I, for some noble reason, decided not too. Pick any reason: 1) in the interest of the community at large, it leads to boring drawn games. 2) It's what would do 3) bacon And then I lose, or draw, every single game I play. And then I create a forum thread, moaning about it, because those dastardly bandits dare to use noughts. Got a little carried away there, back to DayZ now. You are playing with some artificial rule/limitation. "Strangers would/should treat each other with respect, and team up to fight the zombie hoards, hell yeah!" One you decided to place on yourself. One not enforced by the game. (and I for one, am glad it is not) Then the game did not behave according to your rules. And now your quitting (or just creating a thread so people can soothe your ego and convince you to stay?) IF bandits were penalized for their actions, it would be the equivalent of adding a specific moral code to the game. For example: Give food to strange -> guud Shoot friend cause I'm bored -> bad Who gets to decide what that moral system is? Thankfully, there probably won't be one, not enforced by the game at least. Which leads nicely into the... TL:DR version: To quote our glorious leader, Dean "Rocket" Hall (creator of the DayZ mod) : "I wanted to make systems that do not imply judgement: they should not tell you how to play." Therefore, If you don't want to play a game, where strangers, can and probably will shoot you in the face while laughing about it, DON'T PLAY DAYZ.