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Posts posted by hbombs

  1. 16. I feel kind of bad though.. they were all real easy snipes and a few of them against people with just hatchets etc.

    At the same time about 5 were people on the air tower at the S AF trying to snipe other players.

    I'm done with useless killing, and will head north to try and kill campers at stary or NWAF.

  2. I'm just curious but it seems like these servers tare aken offline by admins very often. I have a vehicle on 815 and a tent on 910.. but it seems like they are up for a few hours at a time.. then randomly taken down.

    it just seems like admins are putting the servers up when they are playing.. and take them down when they are done.

    it could easily be something else and i could be wrong..

  3. scrap metal is key. get lots of it. try having 2 scrap metal and the engine parts on you when you go and fix it.

    private hives are essentially servers that aren't on the server list and have separate databases. not sure if they are allowed or not. It's fun to mess around on.. try out all the vehicles (including choppers) get all the loot.. but in the end it's not even close to playing on a real server.

  4. I made my way from Kamenko to the NW airfield last night and was planning on logging out anyway.. but then I saw a bicycle in the middle of the runway.. 20 yards from one of the hangers.. I'd guess the population of the server at the time was 15 or so.

    I thought of running and pitching a tent and putting my valuables in it.. then going for the bike.. but then just decided to play it safe and log.

    What were the odds of me running and taking that bike successfully... and would you have went for it?

    keep in mind it was at least a 4 hour solo journey to the airport.. I killed 3 players along the way almost getting killed to others a few times.
