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About hbombs

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  1. hbombs

    Just want to share a quick story.

    haha fair game.. if you don't have a mic then you really have no chance of meeting a friendly player. did you loot him? if you don't people will QQ about you being a bandit. I personally don't care if you did or not.
  2. hbombs

    Got all, what next?

    you have it now.. but you can lose it at any time. it's also about how you got those things.. did you do it on a low pop server.. where you never run into anyone? also.. if you don't have a chopper.. then you don't have everything.
  3. hbombs

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    while normally what you did was cool and all.. you did it on a recruit server. that's like bragging about beating up a child.
  4. hbombs

    Highest Kill Count?

    16. I feel kind of bad though.. they were all real easy snipes and a few of them against people with just hatchets etc. At the same time about 5 were people on the air tower at the S AF trying to snipe other players. I'm done with useless killing, and will head north to try and kill campers at stary or NWAF.
  5. how long once you remove the loot and go 200m away does it take for it to respawn?
  6. hbombs

    US 1620: My Cherno Kill List (So Far)

    someone needs a SS showing them killing this tool
  7. hbombs

    GG repo clan

    repo clan got worked
  8. hbombs

    Heli Crashes And Server Resets?

    when you log into a server many of them will say what time and how often they restart the server. that's all you have to go on. you can also stick to playing on one server and get to know it's restarts over time.
  9. hbombs

    I am a stream sniping asshole.

    combat log or not.. that was a great idea :) gj
  10. I'm just curious but it seems like these servers tare aken offline by admins very often. I have a vehicle on 815 and a tent on 910.. but it seems like they are up for a few hours at a time.. then randomly taken down. it just seems like admins are putting the servers up when they are playing.. and take them down when they are done. it could easily be something else and i could be wrong..
  11. hbombs

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    wish i had thought of using this thread last night. my friend is logged out in a barn with a broken leg in Dhrozino east of Zelengorsk. I have to head back to cherno for morphine and blood bags.
  12. i blew up my first car this way :) if you alt tab out.. just make sure you alt tab back in. I'm too lazy to hit escape or inventory first.
  13. hbombs

    I feel completely betrayed...

    now i feel completely betrayed!
  14. hbombs

    Fixing a heli?!

    scrap metal is key. get lots of it. try having 2 scrap metal and the engine parts on you when you go and fix it. private hives are essentially servers that aren't on the server list and have separate databases. not sure if they are allowed or not. It's fun to mess around on.. try out all the vehicles (including choppers) get all the loot.. but in the end it's not even close to playing on a real server.
  15. hbombs

    Newbie got a motorcycle in 10 minutes :D

    you can sometimes drive it if everything else is in order. i have.