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Everything posted by pieflavor

  1. pieflavor

    Question regarding forum

    you know the saying, hamsterwheel powered wooden PCs are optimal for network hosting
  2. pieflavor

    Standalone Donts

    Onto less ridiculous issues: 6. ability to forcefully capture/enslave a player: you believe it or not, as much realistic and "fun" it might be for you, this is not a good idea, please stop suggesting prisons, incapacitating ammo, ropes, handcuffs and suchlike, the only thing you'll accomplish is people disconnecting, or simply going suicidal against you, since death is not permanent in the game, and thus nobody will fight for their lives. 7. Removal of all military equipment: unlike what you think, the AS50 is actually rare, simply because you always find one on a dead sniper body doesn't mean everyone has one. If you paid ANY attention at all on the graphics detail on DayZ chernarus, you'd see humvees, tanks and all kinds of military equipment(albeit destroyed) scattered all around the country, the unrealistic aspect is that you can't find a freaking operational tank or humvee considering the overwhelmingly massive amounts of charred armored vehicles on towns and suchlike. 8. Zombies chasing you FOREVER: it's already pretty unrealistic that you fight against hordes of Usain Bolts, but them never ever ever losing their attention span is simply unacceptable, coupled with the fact that in standalone players will actually have fatigue and will be unable to run forever, this makes it a top DON'T on the list of changes for the standalone.
  3. EDIT: nvm I was wrong
  4. pieflavor

    Hacker ruined our game

    unless you have power on server commands please don't expect a helicopter to last long. in our server we managed to save our helicopter from 5 hacking attempts simply by restarting the server when mid air, even if we saw it blow up we would then see it completely unharmed at the place it landed after we restarted the server. Having a helicopter on a public server is something to cherish, but not to expect to last long.
  5. pieflavor

    The server i got "Everything" on disappeared.

    inb4 "don't get too attached to your gear" from people who claim to have lost more than the OP.
  6. a game called dark souls tried this, but they still weren't able to enforce the randomness and people still found each other one way or another.
  7. pieflavor

    Town on fire???

    a player crashed helicopter that blew up will cause that
  8. pieflavor

    UAZ or Offroad Pickup Truck???

    the uaz is inherently better, 7 seats (the pickup has 2), almost the same speed offroad as the white offroad and pretty much the same storage capacity, it has a greenish brown color so it's easier to camouflage.
  9. pieflavor

    Transporting vehicles?

    if they add the transport helicopter you could theoretically hang a UAZ or a humvee on a rope and transport it by air
  10. pieflavor

    Straya Only! Team?

    sure but please note your timezone and if preferably your age, a lot of people are interested in these 2 before teaming up with somebody.
  11. don't overdo it or people will just not bother with vehicles anymore
  12. yes, admins are allowed to ban you if your ping and repeated requests to join the server hinders its performance, and believe me, it does.
  13. pieflavor

    DayZ Combat/Firefight guide(?)

    the sheer amount of different circumstances that can happen in dayz makes it impossible to play competitive shooter, you won't find fair fights or fighting chances often, most of the timed you die instantly and 99% of the times you are caught by surprise losing any advantage you could have.
  14. I'm a hoarder, often looked down on by the majority of the community, I can offer some insight on the other side of the coin of dayz, the almost singleplayer experience of gathering loot and possessions and all that I do to manage it and conserve it, effectively challenging the first rule in dayz
  15. pieflavor

    Remote control hackers?

    as far as I know they can make you dance and can spawn NPCs that do not appear on the playerlist controlled by them
  16. 1) I do believe putting the military flashlight over your shoulder is even better (you can do it on lingor), as running with your weapon or flashlight makes it hard to see with the torch. 2) as of now all survivors have 12 main inventory slots, but if you bother playing the armory with the civilian characters you'll see that most of them have only 4 or 6 main slots, only soldiers have the full 12 slots, and only 6 of them are for ammo. just throwing that around. 3) yes yes we can dream, but overcomplicating the system is never good, you could say you had to eat healthy to stay alive, but that's a lot of work and not everyone cares about it too much to make it worthwhile to program. 4) I'd love that, but we'd need an engine similar to the one on APB reloaded to reach that level of customization. heck, we can't even choose our weapon attachments and character skins are very basic. 5) sounds cool to me. 6) same as 4) pretty much 7) that will depend on wether rocket really wants to add safezones, as of now his stance is to make players create those safe zones. 8) why rome particularly?
  17. pieflavor

    Are you a bandit if you kill newspawns?

    what about a newspawn with a bandit skin?
  18. pieflavor

    So, what's changed?

    that's just rocket standing up to his principles and not falling to cater his playerbase with unfinished content just to gain a little bit more of popularity
  19. some facts about the female dayz character: - Her name is Dr. Annie Baker, I haven't played much arma campaign but apparently she's an important character. The debriefing shows "Haley Smith" but that's an incorrect name. - She can get the bandit turbant as it's just a piece of headgear and if you fall low enough on humanity you'll get it. she can't get any other skin though - She has female voice commands, but that's pretty much expected.
  20. pieflavor

    So, what's changed?

    tents are still essentially flawed eith the save system. the magazine glitch has been conserved on hero skins.
  21. I'm no noob, but I can show you the ropes without spoiling too much (in fact, I would just drop everything I have and start oer from scratch), if you're interested PM me
  22. pieflavor

    The Art Of Tent Hunting [ Base Hunting ]

    play as a hoarder on a big clan, you'll learn about all the common locations of the big camps (which are constantly raided, but due to the sheer amount of loot on them, the lack of satchel charges, tent restoration upon restart and people generally lacking the malice to save them, they never get emptied) They are also often regarded as hacker tents since some might contain hacked weapons, but I assure you a hacker needs no camp with tents, these are legit players simply hoarding.
  23. pieflavor

    100% NEW! Couple Questions.

    the tutorials you could follow often contain misleading tips or outdated information, the best course of action is to find someone to play the game with and discover the game by yourself. If you really have little time to play, you could read these forums for tips but there is no comprehensive wiki/tutorial or knowledge base to fall on when needed, as all tips are scattered around. on a side note: if you need someone to show you the ropes without spoiling too much for you I'm always available, contact me through PM.
  24. pieflavor

    What gun? 1 or 2?

    considering the damage on both are pretty terrible, I would always go for the headshot, and therefore the m1911 is better for the ammo
  25. OK, make zombies be able to grab you, lock you down, tear apart your limbs and make you completely defenseless if they catch you or surround you, make them be able to detect by smell with a 100x amplified sense of smell. make them blind, but amplify their audible range instead. but please please please, don't make them be able to outrun you at all times, and please don't make them be able to run and chase you forever tirelessly...