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Everything posted by {MILKMAN}Razor

  1. I want to find out how long people's characters have survived for :D Post a screenshot if you've got one :) My character has survived for 42 days so far (as of 14/09/2012). Screenshot coming soon!
  2. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Opinions on this behaviour

    Yeah, killing new spawns, really fun to watch -_- At least give yourself a challenge and head somewhere with high end gear and kill people that might actually be a threat. You're the kind of person that makes fresh players quit the game.
  3. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Need Some Players Now

    Join this server: http://sunnyindayz.com/ It has a great community, active forums and everything, give it a go. I have made at least 7 friends from playing on this server in the past week, it's definitely worth a look!
  4. {MILKMAN}Razor


    That's what's called an EVR, some servers have them enabled, some don't. If you get the APSI goggles it won't knock you out, it's still creepy as fuck though
  5. If the server is an EVR server then maybe you logged out a split second before an EVR went off, and then when you logged back in it lagged slightly and knocked you unconscious when it realised that you should be unconscious from the EVR
  6. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Dayz Commander and Arma 2 OA Version troubles.

    i had this issue a while ago, what i did is deleted DZC and my DayZ folders, then i reinstalled DZC and installed all the latest stuff through there, it hasn't broken since
  7. So earlier today i was playing on a Taviana server and decided to camp out the apartments in Boye, i only had crap gear and frankly wanted to start again, so i thought i might as well get a few kills in whilst im there. So i'm laying on top of the apartment with an AK-47 and a Glock, some guy talks in direct chat and says that he is getting an evac from the apartment roof and asked if i wanted to join him, i thought what the hell and we both waited for the ride to come along. About 10 minutes later a heli fly's low and we both hop in. I spend about 15 minutes with these guys, flying around, chatting etc. We finally reach their camp and land. In total their were 6 guys, 3 in the heli, 2 standing around and one in a Ural. They give me some better gear (M14 AIM, ghillie suit, M9SD, NVGs and rangefinder) and tell me that i can take a car if i want, i didn't want a car as it makes you a very open and loud target, so i left it and walked off into the forest where i stopped and ate some beans. It was getting close to night and i decided that i'd have a little bit of a scout out of their camp, so i headed back under the cover of dusk and waited in the treeline, watching their every move. I could hear over direct chat that a few of the guys were gonna log off and have something to eat and they were leaving one guy there to protect their camp. Sure enough they leave the one guy and he starts patrolling round their camp, as he comes close i shoot him in the face with my M9SD and quickly jump in the heli and start to take off. Right as i'm taking off 2 of the guys spawn in, but they haven't realised that their buddy is dead and their heli is taking off, so i just smash the Q key and fly as high as i can. Not a minute later do i see them talking in side chat about their missing heli and blaming it on the guy i had killed (i had hidden the body as to not arouse suspicion). This was my chance to royally bugger their camp up and teach them not to horde vehicles and weapons. I quickly flipped the heli upside down using my L33T skizzles and floored it downwards, i then bailed and watched it explode right in the middle of their camp, destroying everything they have and killing them all. I proceed to land and wander off into the darkness to find my next victim. I know a few of you might think that this isn't real banditry but i just wanted to share a tale of intrigue and deception, plus they guys in which i did this too might see this and then try to hunt me down, all i can say to them is: Come get bitch.
  8. I know you have to be at least 30m away and i do that, i wait at least 2 or 3 minutes, but when i run in, there is nothing
  9. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Need someone to play DayZ with.!

    There is a whole community of people on a server called It's Always Sunny in DayZ, go there, try it out, but be polite, otherwise people will treat you with no respect. For example, i got killed, but i didn't shout about it, i spawned in, i congratulated the guy and told him that he deserved my gear, next thing i know, he's given me all my stuff back and we've teamed up and gone looting. Go join this website and start posting on the forums, you'll definitely find the people you are looking for on there! http://sunnyindayz.com/index.php Oh and tell your friends about it
  10. Formerly known as pillow talk, this server is one of the best private hives I've been on. The player base however is very small, so i am appealing on behalf of Kosugi, the admin, for people to check it out. All you need to do is search for It's Always Sunny in DayZ on DayZ Commander, you can also check out the website which is linked below for the rules and forums. You start off with custom gear, this is: Assault Pack G17 with 1 mag Bandage Mountain Dew Cooked Meat Painkillers Map Watch Flashlight Nameplates are off, Death Messages are on, Third Person is on, Crosshairs are on, Tracers are off. The server also offers a ton of vehicle spawns, including custom ones, as well as Care Packages and Wrecks. The server is on GMT-11 so for most people in North America, the server is on daytime when it's dark outside. The eventual goal is to have a friendly, fun community, and server events with prizes -- even guns that don't spawn in-game anymore! Please check out our website to read the rules at http://sunnyindayz.com/index.php You can search for our server by using "Pillow Talk" or find it via Gametracker here: http://www.gametrack...92.200.71:3119/ Thanks so much for checking this thread out, and on behalf of the admin, Kosugi, we hope to see you in-game!
  11. This server is pretty damn awesome, i played on it with a friend a few days ago and we got geared up within a few hours. We found a car, sniper rifles and ghillie suits. The admin is also a really nice guy, he was giving lifts around the map in his chopper and he even did server events which is a great idea. 8/10 rating for this server. It isn't 10/10 because i found that the loot spawns were a bit messed up and sometimes loot didn't spawn and also there was one guy claiming to be an admin and spawning stuff in, not sure whether you wanna check that out or not, but still, great server, love playing on it
  12. Seriously, i don't get what everyone's problem with him is. He's a nice guy who makes very entertaining videos, he doesn't shoot on sight, he at least gives players a chance, he gives them gear and stuff if they need it. I know some people say that he hacks but where is the evidence for this? If someone can provide evidence that he hacks, then i will see what the problem with him is. Hacks ruin the game, even if they are being used to make entertaining videos. Also, this may be in the wrong section, didn't know where to put it, if it is in the wrong section, please move it to the appropriate section :)
  13. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Battleye Script Restriction #41

    Yeah might have been the hacked Holo then. Was it just you that got kicked and banned?
  14. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Trading 4x M67 Frag Grenades = ghilie suit

    I'll give you the fabled Blue Chemlight for those 4 frags.
  15. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Battleye Script Restriction #41

    Were you with the guy who looted an AS50 and the holo gun? If you were, it may be that the holo gun was hacked in. On some namalsk servers they have custom loot tables which can drop the holo gun, but not all the servers allow this. So the dead guy might have hacked it in and tried to hide it as a custom loot drop
  16. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Trading m107&Bizon for AS50+Ammo

    an M107 is basically an AS50, it just doesn't look as cool. Both the AS50 and M107 use NATO rounds which one shot kill. Just stick with the M107
  17. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Helicopter Kamikaze time!

    You sir are obviously unfamiliar with Consuela from Family Guy. Bad MattGL. Bad.
  18. I didn't say i wasn't going to play it, it sounds like a laugh, it just defeats the point of the game
  19. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Hitting peoples camps up and they bitch? :P

    Server admins just abuse their powers when they get fucked over. I was on a server about a month ago and the admins were bragging about how they have all the helicopters and every bit of gear in the game, so me and my friend went to their camp, nicked all their gear and took both helicopters. About a minute later both me and my friend were teleported to the debug forest where the admins stood there and shot us both, we then got banned. I hate the stupid pricks who do this, they are no more than 12 year old butthurt kids who've used the last of their pocketmoney to buy the game and can't handle it when the game is played properly. If people that are trusted, and not 12 year old butthurt kids, could only run a server, this would probably tackle 90% of admin abuse.
  20. Why would you want to spawn with the best backpack and gun? Kinda defeats the point of the game....
  21. Kosugi, reply to me on the website dang nabbit!
  22. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Looking for a group of players -UK-

    Name: Jake Age: 17 IGN: Razor Skills: Been playing DayZ since release and am a very competent sniper Skype: afterourdate
  23. Every time i try and update ARMA 2 beta files to the latest patch (100296) using dayzcommander, it says out of date and wont bring up the server list. I also get and error saying that DayZ is not found even right after i install it, i even checked where the files were going and they are there. What is wrong? If anyone can help, please tell me, i would be forever indebted to you. I have attached a screenshot of what it looks like in my Dayzcommander if it is any help to anyone.
  24. {MILKMAN}Razor

    ARMA 2 patch 100296 out of date in Dayzcommander

    No there are absolutely no errors in the settings file, restarting it didn't work, however reinstalling DayZ commander did provide a temporary fix, it worked for about and hour and then broke again, i'm thinking it's something to do with my PC
  25. {MILKMAN}Razor

    Can't install beta patch

    I'm getting the same problem, if anyone could help that would be really great