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Everything posted by DahBunny

  1. Cherno firehouse on us1889, can't get online right now because of my net derping but i was planning to see if i could gather people there to chat all civil like, its pretty well fortified, but if you get to a couple of the crawl spots its easy to get in, should be the hollow shell of a destroyed bus inside, not entirely sure which person nuked my bus, but it wasnt very kind.
  2. Alas, its fine, let them come, i shalt Love and tollirate the shit out of them
  3. DahBunny

    release that patch

    etiquette? Oh, were getting onto etiquette now, i see, because thats ontopic, thus working against the same statment you tried to use to undermine my own statement, You realise that biting the hand that feeds and whining repeatedly does not entitle you, as a person, to be able to decide whats on topic, i think my comment is perfectly on topic, considering that this is indeed a topic for complainning about the patch, and i posted a counter arguement that you felt strong enough about to respond to using tactics similar to that of someone with little response other then "nou" would use. So yes, im personally upset that self-entitled morons may rush out an update by using there insesant whining, which considering the topic, this is completely on.
  4. DahBunny

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I'v heard much the same, decided to not log in for awhile, give this potentical hell a miss. I could handle heavy artifacting, but a ban is not my cup of tea.
  5. DahBunny

    release that patch

    Oh stop victimizing yourself, i to get the artifacting, and yes, i told him to buck and be patience, why, its an alpha of a game, that is not even on the correct engine of the full product, you have payed nothing for dayz, and it is rockets baby to do with as he so pleases, so rather then bitching like a small child, take care of other stuff while you wait, these things take time, you try coding a patch for million people trying to fufill all there expectation, its not fucking easy. So once again is the punchline Buck up, grow some balls, stop victimizing yourself, and learn to be patience. Your only human, but jesus, just because your human you don't need to make me want to hurt myself repeatedly just for being the same species as you.
  6. DahBunny

    release that patch

    ITT: self entitled morons complain about the lack of haste in there currently alpha FREE product. Please note free, it cost you nothing and before you say "i bought arma for dayz" good for you, but you still did not buy dayz, so its still rockets baby, and he'll continue to hold it at his teet for aslong as he feels it has the need to suckle sweet sweet necter of zombie survival goodness from his rather flat chest
  7. Construction When selecting an urban base structure, for example reinforcing a structure Be sure to only barracade main entrances, as you may cause the barbwire to glitch partially throught the wall, trapping you inside, or Trapping sever-hoppers inside. Fire houses make great structures to hold up in, however due to the military grade loot you will find yourself at constant stand off with other survivors on your server, good if you want a challange or if its a temporary HQ, However never go as far as to place a tent unless you want the contents stolen over night if ungaurded. After selecting your structure for your urban survival situation of choice, be it firehouse, large red, or large orange building, often what you will find is zeds may walk right throught your defense, fear not as this is only a minor bug that is easily fixed by the player, when placing the barbwire, be sure to double stack it, by placing two ontop of each other it makes the object thick enough that zed's notice its existance and rather then walk throught, try to go around and find an alternate route. Large clans, or known groups Living in the citys, be it inland or near the coast, you will find often, that large clans or groups of survivors will march throught in hopes of easy kills or medical supplies, evasion is not always the best option as is presumed, if you daring enough, call out to them, and point out that your there, and if they get too close, you will open fire, or perhaps befriend them. The plus with barbwire is deconstruction, you will hear them removing it if they try and sneak up on you from one of your barracaded entrances, double or even triple stacking to avoid Zeds is also great in the way that it causes playes to reveal there locations when removing it. easy self defense and any half decent clan will know to avoid being out in door ways to remove such. Inner-city Fishing Inner-city fishing is the act of making your base in a building with windows over looking a road, by blocking off this road with barbwire and tank traps you force vehicles to reverse out or circle around, or crash, Often giving you time to remove the driver and/or crew, This tactic requires extreme patience and tact, it will get you killed often and plenty untill you learn to deal with groups, main roads and firehouses once again have the advantages here, electro and cherno are the best fishing holes and will often sink you a vehicle if you know theres a group online. The Great Clean up On servers that reboot rarely, it is often helpfull to clean up loot piles, throwing all tin cans out of the building and anything usefull be horded on a non-loot peice of flooring in you base, cleaning multiple buildings will cause a path you can walk to allow stuff behind you to spawn, and if you clean on your way, next time you do the walk after cleaning, the other building will have new loot aswell, as said before, all guns found should be moved to your main base location, while they will disappear on reboot or lack of player activity in the area, the varity of weapons and ammo will be to your advantage in diffirent situations Footnote My spelling and grammar may be terrible, and i thank you for taking your time to wade throught my post.
  8. Now this, this is the type of constructive post i admire, rather then the needless "hackers exist, baw" and "lolololol sever-hop" posts, why let people with unfair tactics bother you... thats what they want to happen, you haz my beans
  9. Safe is not always fun, risk is the spice of life in my mind, atleast your comment was more constructive then the others
  10. Terrible if misused yes, if used correctly they add to the gameplay just like any other feature, some players are just bitter about people glitching wire throught walls and such, i understand that, it gets to me too when i can't climb stairs into a military loot
  11. I love how you admit to foul-play as if that was how the game was intended
  12. Pro-tip Double stack barbwire and it stops zed's
  13. So im starting this topic as a form of open communication with other survivors who are suicidal enough to dream of settlements and are willing to try out forms of such. Im going to get right down to it, we all want to survive, and alot of us want to co-operate with each other, but with all this shooting on sight and distrust its near impossible, i however, don't suggest me remove these things, or even refute them as a people, im suggesting we do as rocket intended, and fix things on our own, using the tools provided. Yes i know the construction system is limited and buggy, yes i know there are alot of people that enjoy killing others, while there both valid points, if you consider them the end all be all towards this discussion, please just leave. Im suggesting we try, You know that guy that snipes people on the south side of the map for fun? hell, are you him, i bet a large number of you are, i know i have been in the past. well lets accept them, sounds crazy right? well billy m107 is a sniper, whos been practicing, so why not offer to let him use the settlement, he'll shoot back when the people come to disrupt everything, its what they do, kill people, why not offer to let them kill the right people. You know them "carebears?" the ones who want peace and joy to all?, turn them away, we don't want people unwilling to survive and protect themselfs, a survive who expects to recieve and gain protection, we don't need them, there not a survivor at all, there a leech, so come, bring your guns, hang out with people just as jumpy and well armed as you, yes you all have guns, and yes, you can all use them, you may not trust each other, but its a lot less appertising to fire when you know there are 12 people just like you in the same position to fire back. So yes, humans are a paranoid lot, thats what makes us, us. so why not survive using it. You know that barbwire, double stack it, it'll stop the zeds, and it'll stop people removing it just because they can, why?. No one wants to stand out in the open for long periods of time, thats why, exspecially not when its a settlement filled with paranoid humans who will kill anyone harming there chances of survival. You know trading right, always gets you killed? nah, fortify a settlement including buildings with interals, avoids sniperfire and set ups, and if they try and con you, or just run with the goods, shoot em, why not there not assisting the other surivors and if your losing out, whats the risk anyhow, i bet the survivors will be more understanding if you say your peice first, no one likes a theif. squads of bandits coming to your camp? maybe your numbers will keep them from being hostile, and there man power and weapons will deter other bandits, or maybe your sheer amount of survivors can fight back, whats the risk really, nothing more then you'd find out on your own. I know this is all talk from me, no fruits of my labour or any such. but im willing to try, i'll grab the equipment to build if i can get it, but where do i build, what server will be up long enough for it to work, does the server boot people from international bases, because ping kicks are no fun. So tell me guys, what ideas or throughts do you have? i can't be the only one thinking this. Side note, sorry for my poor grammar and spelling, while english is my first language, i didnt pay much attention at school, and the only one i have to blame for that is myself.
  14. Oh? i found a few spots i'v considered, such as the open buildings below zub castle, and belota airfield (which is safest location i'v found so far if fortified well). i was considering a public settlement community aswell, however i fear most will consider it a trap or fair game, and i am not exactly good enough to save the masses, i do have the reckless disregard for my own life however.
  15. so i joined a popular looking server, i spawned on a beach, i had just died previously, and as i stroll along said beach i find an ammo crate, empty luckily enough, suddenly i hear a crash, and a bang, a helicopter just collided with the floor behind me, and suddenly, i have all of the endgame loot, plus a as50 with infered, naturally i dropped the gun as soon as i had noticed it, baring in mind i didnt pick it up in the first place, it all spawned on me, nightvision, GPS the whole package, so i dumped it all, and within seconds, someone with a similar set up to the one i just had forced apon me kills me. Im not sure if the intent was to give me equipment as to be friendly, or to try and frame me for hacking, all i know is i will be sticking to my home server from now on, the fallout from hackers on other servers looks alot more intimidating compaired to the odd teleporting player i see on my home server. Any similar situations people had happen?
  16. You run a server? seeing as you from the UK i was wondering which one, might set myself up a second home for when im not with my american friends.
  17. Thats the same problem i have on my server commonly, normally only appears ever six or seven hours, Normally doesnt kill me, unless i have end game loot.
  18. I just hope the hive is a smart enough system to automatically screen and delete weapons that are not in the mod apon save upload... Edit: i also heard theres hive logs, i do hope this doesnt put a black spot on my account or some such
  19. (This is a true story, intended to be read in a sterotypical black blue's artist voice in a three beat rythem) I was traveling to stary, when i settle apon, A crashed heli, I was having fun. But in moment, I touched that Fal, wasted dem zombies, and i moved on, I began to travel, A'lil north, I knew i was lonely, The only player on, when i glance across. Between me and Ai(iii)rfield, Another heli, i snuck in quiet, i was out of sight, I found a beauty. A'big ol cannon, of british design, firing NATO more powerfull, it was almost a war crime. So i turned around, and headed home, i needed No toys, so i left them barracks alone. Heading south, i punch up that menu, I see three brothers joined, while i expect no friendl(llll)ys i ment no ill intent. So as i stumbled, throught the bush, i walked into the field, always was quiet, untill he showed. He appeared out of no where, right in front of my eye(eeee)s, A brother stood so tall, nothing would hurt him. then i was gone, his rifle stomped like thunder, repeated shots, like a machinegun, and i lost my gun. More of the story kids, don't attached, It takes one brother, and some mad hax, to strip you clean. So my brothers, this lonely tail, is more tale, When get good guns people will hunt you down. Anyhow, how are you all this fine day, despite my loses twenty minutes ago im in good spirits, writing this little peice was fun. Im not sure if it matched up well with the rythems you've got in your heads, This lonely bunny, is once again dead, Peace.
  20. Bad excuse? i don't need an excuse to write how i wish to write my friend, however if you dislike it feel free to leave my topic
  21. So my american friends internet dies at the north western air field, i wait five minutes, he doesnt get back online, so i log off the server to return to one where i have better ping, half hour ago i was bitching about it being too easy these days, when i log into a server nearer to the united kingdom, to my surprise, while im not dead or back at spawn, it did however strip all my guns and leave me outside the north west airfields barracks, with no tools, no guns, not even a flashlight, in the dark with only 203 flares and SD stanag ammo, which i can't use. I tried a few diffrent servers to see if i could get my gear back, with no luck as to such, im now stuck in an impossible situation pulling a solid snake around the most dangerous area in the game unarmed, without survival essentials.... Now all i can hope for is to find a corpse, or even a flashlight.... Challange accepted dayz, challange accepted. My question is now thus, how do you guys react in this sort of situation, its in alpha so this stuff pretty common and i want to know your personal tales of ultra sealthy absolutely nothing zombie survival action without so much as a bandage.
  22. Its intresting, the barracks always spawns things i have no need for, for example when i have my M14 aim, it gives me high tier guns, but i will never trade out my aim, yet now i need a gun or torch, it supplys me with plenty of ammo for the aim. I for one am enjoying the survival experiance and im just roleplaying it as if someone had stolen my bags and guns while i was sleeping.
  23. DahBunny

    I need more Beans!! (>_<)

    More beans for the bean god! xD
  24. DahBunny

    I need more Beans!! (>_<)

    Burro, my beans shalt always belong to you my favorite wasteland gentleman xD
  25. DahBunny

    Last night I killed a man.

    All of my beans, they belong to you, you have my help if you ever need a survivor at your back, just message me. I know you may not trust me, but i can prove my worth, even if you have me disarmed of a primary.