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Everything posted by Jukez

  1. Patch, ETA monday http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/#entry405874
  2. Jukez

    Crossbow Viability and Stealth Questions

    We have 12000 blood and it does 889 dmg, so it requires 14 hits to kill a person now. Zombies have 4400 blood = 5 hits. http://dayzdb.com/ne...es-in-arma2-162 Edit. The wiki info about damage is old. Headshots still kill faster ofc. Not sure about 1 shotting though.
  3. Jukez

    Cannot Save

    There is no "save" button in this mod. Your character is saved to the servers every time you log out, but after you die, you lose everything.
  4. Jukez

    Crossbow Viability and Stealth Questions

    It was nerfed to the ground along with the other smg:s in 1.62 (under 900 dmg per hit now, same as pistols). Only found bizonzs from heli crashes, same with mags. The mags have 64 rounds though. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Bizon_SD
  5. Jukez

    Guillie suits

    No they are not, and it will be fixed in http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/#entry405874
  6. Jukez

    In Game Communication

    The voice chat has 80m range and text chat has 40m range.
  7. Jukez

    Can't use crossbow correctly

    It's not useless since you can collect the bolts you shot from bodies/ground/walls (sometimes bugged though). It kills Zs with 1 shot too. The aiming is a bit hard before you get used to it. And btw there are NO ironsights on the weapon. You have to estimate the shots. It's slightly above the tip of the arrow.
  8. You should never instal beta patches right away when they are released, because it takes Battleye a few hours to start recognizing them. Should be ok in a few hours.
  9. Jukez

    Keep being Kicked

    Because yesterday Arma2 CO patch 1.62 was released, and your steam client updated your game.
  10. The effectiveness of m1911 and revolver has clearly changed for some people. Others report that it works as previously. This clearly indicates that there is a bug, but not eveyone is affected by it. How does figuring this out turn into "collective idiocy and inconclusive thinking."? Edit. My bad, trolled me there -.-
  11. Like all the changes were marked in the changelog before... not
  12. DayZ changelog has nothing to do with this. Here's the changelog http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137694-ARMA-2-Operation-Arrowhead-Combined-Operations-Reinforcements-update-1-62 Nothing about weapon damage is mentioned.
  13. Jukez

    RNG Unconsciousness

    If your blood is under 9000, zombies can knock you unconscius with one hit. Should always try to keep it over 9k mark.
  14. Jukez

    Are helicopter back in Dayz?

    They will hopefully be back in ETA today :) There was problem with the helis radar. It showed ALL vehicles...
  15. Jukez

    STEAM 1.62 UPDATE =

    1.62.95248 is the latest version regardless of whether you install the update manually or using steam.
  16. Jukez

    Is This DayZ Install Guide Reliable?

    Use DayZ Commander, you wont be disappointed. You can install/update DayZ and Arma2 beta from the versions tab. It will tell you when new updates are available and how many/witch servers use the updates. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27604-download-dayz-commander-unofficial-six-launcher-alternative/page__hl__commander
  17. Jukez

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    My friend found l85 several days ago. Worked fine 'till yday, when he found out it was gone after logging in. So it disappeared maybe after 5 logins :/
  18. 1st hit on google... + beta in Sync with 1.62 RC3 candidate for these who don't want install 1.62 RC3 +new BE installers included within + some other fixes http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137632-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95248-%281-62-MP-build%29&p=2193244#post2193244
  19. Jukez

    Was this supposed to happen?

    When you look at a door and turn your mouse wheel, you will see an option to open it. If the door can be opened of course.
  20. Jukez

    Was this supposed to happen?

    When you open your inventory you can see the flashlight in your toolbelt. Rightclick it and select "remove from toolbelt". This will switch the flashlight to your secondary weapon slot, and your character will now hold it in his/her hands. After that pressin L will enable it. Flashlight only works during night time: You can't have a secondary weapon equipped while you are using a flashlight. You have just encountered a bug (this mod is in alpha state and bugs occur quite often). The place you spawned in is called Debug Plains, and is located outside the map of Chernarus. You can try running out of there, but that could be quite tricky. The easiest way is to press esc and select respawn. You will lose all your gear, but since you just started, you won't lose much. And respawning is a lot faster than running. Yes, you start the surviving with only a bandage, one box of painkillers, a flashlight and an 8 slot backpack. The starting gear might change in the future though. It has changed a few times in the past already.
  21. Jukez

    Deer Stands and Guns

    I picked up AKS-74 Kobra + 4 mags 5 minutes after spawning from a deer stand yesterday . So yes, you can find weapons in them.
  22. Yes? It gives that message every time you manually install a beta patch.