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About ionized

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ionized


    A Hercules wouldn't really fit the game, a cropduster would: 1) Can you or anyone in the general public fly a Hercules? Nope. Is a cropduster a civilian plane that is not too difficult to learn how to fly? Yes 2) Is a Hercules common in Russia? Nope. Is a cropduster common in rural Russia? Kinda, yep. 3) Can a Hercules land almost anywhere that is flat? Nope. Can a cropduster? Yes.
  2. ionized


    I was thinking more a 1 or 2 man cropduster, like a small Cessna or such. But, that big ole biplane is pretty cool too.
  3. ionized


    Can 1 or more spawns for some form of Cessna type cropduster be added? Chernarus has a lot of rural farm areas, surely there'd be cropdusters out there still in some form of working condition. Please! =)