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About SwagNYC

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. ya know for all you guys giving the op shit for his questions let me ask this do sequels (movie game or other) generally live up to the marketing hype? yes, people can read the marketing hype, and view the pretty screen shots, but in the end the average player traditionally drops their coin then drops their expectations. I'm glad BIS's marketing department is earning their pay, but the question still remains, will the actual product live up to the hype? historical evidence says hell no, but perhaps BIS will be the one game company that puts out a better 3rd gen product that lives up to the expectations of the community.
  2. SwagNYC

    How much will stand alone cost?

    yup after spending lots of time scouring search over the last couple weeks you guys post something on the day I didn't welp.... well that's sort of good info, but as long as "unknown" exists there's no promise of anything is there and the minecraft model? you mean rockets going to collect millions and then bugger off to a south seas island to live like a king? :lol:
  3. time to recognize the elephant in the room and address its presence just how much will we have to pay to continue playing dayz without the hackers?
  4. SwagNYC

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    no, people must have to be so angry at hackers that they forget they already paid for arma 2 to play day z, and will now have to pay for stand alone to play dayz you have to get really really angry, otherwise paying twice to play the same mod will cause people to not pay the 2nd time
  5. lol at your thread title...
  6. SwagNYC

    Hacking or Admin abuse on US PA1

    PA1 is a hackfest and nipples is a dirty rotten admin who abuses his huge.......... powers /jedi mindtrick/ you don't want to play on PA1 really.... stay away...... no, really....... dammit.... stop logging in!
  7. SwagNYC

    Ban ALT + F4s from Server

    because arma 2 never ever crashes, nope never happens also because alt-f4 never saves your stuff from death caused by a hacker or corrupt admin get over it its one of the few useful features in this mod
  8. SwagNYC

    Ban Appeal for US 1507: tking

    lame BS excuse is lame BS excuse black list
  9. Im wondering what would make you think he was the hacker and prompt you to BE ban him? what was your proof used to reach this decision, the fact he was there? reversed or not, it sounds like a kneejerk reaction based on being pissed at losing and not for any reason based in reality
  10. really a paypal dispute is a horrible thing to do to someone, even if they are doing a bad job when you dispute a paypal payment paypal will lock down the owners bank account and really slow down the process and the company's ability to operate at all, thus affecting other customers who might not have any problem at all. its akin to calling the brownshirts because your jewish taylor made your cuffs to short yeah... its that bad paypig is scum
  11. SwagNYC


    frankly between the hackers and the scumbag server admins, Rocket should go with official servers only BIS should be footing the bill for this little experiment since they are the ones making money from it
  12. we do, but we only kick the hackers if someone finds our shit we kill them the sad part was the team was returning the chopper so we could use it at our leasure, it was parked in a good spot and the idea was to not let on that we found and borrowed it lol
  13. no, the team didn't get a chance to get screen caps of the kick so its just a warning at this point it is a recruit server so the admin could see who was in it not sure what other proof you can get in this situation, but cant the devs see the logs?
  14. yeah, we found your shit up north... and so you kick 3 people eh? scumbag admins dont deserve a server
  15. its not a matter of finding servers to play on, I guess I should have been more specific