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Miki (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Miki (DayZ)

  1. Miki (DayZ)

    Jesus. I'm so sorry, Andy.

    Lol, i'm not laughing at your server hopping, i'm laughing at the hate around.
  2. No, never. I hooked up with about a 7-8 people clan, we usually roll in 4-3 people groups unless everyone are logged in. But, we kill everyone on sight, we're not bandits, we kill people as self defense if they're too close, and a high threat. We found a small group in Cherno`s church, two of them went with us, third one logged. Eventually we all decided to switch server due a restart, right before we logged one of them shot my mate, I shot down both of them, treated my friend just in time to log out.
  3. Miki (DayZ)

    Is DayZ harder to run than Arma 2 Free?

    Don't think so, he should just watch some youtube videos before buying it (if he will), I did the same with minecraft. or he can just buy ArmA 2 OA over steam for 20$. Last suggestion is to wait to the discounts, and then buy it, I think it'll be around the 5$ range only for OA.
  4. Miki (DayZ)

    Bad serial number given in Setup

    Re-installing the game I guess.. That's one of the reasons why I always use Steam.
  5. Miki (DayZ)

    The Floor Bandit

    I don't get it, you got bugged..?
  6. Miki (DayZ)

    Zombie 1-Hit Knockdown

    I truely hate the wallbug like you do, though I was never knocked out by one hit from a zombie, only from loss of blood.
  7. Miki (DayZ)

    Zombie Doctors and Zombie Nuns.

    I saw a zombie priest once, he ran after me for a while and I was laughing my ass off.
  8. Miki (DayZ)

    Need morphines will reward you.

    I have one spare morphine but that's way too far for me to travel without my group, call up Wasteland.
  9. Miki (DayZ)

    Graphics Card

    I'm running it on nVidia GeForce 9400 GT, pretty good FPS considering the low graphics. I'll update to the latest driver today and see if it helps.
  10. Miki (DayZ)

    First impression: This sucks.

    You should figure out the controlsand set up your graphics properly, once you do it's a lot easier. About the jumping and all, that's just ArmA, nothing related to DayZ.
  11. Thanks, this helped me with the FPS lags abit, pretty old graphics card, nVidia GeForce 9400 GT :|
  12. Miki (DayZ)

    1.7.2 = "Loading" Screen?

    Same, just going to log back in tomorrow.
  13. Miki (DayZ)

    Sorry Mate (100% mean it)

    Spawned once in a guards watch house near Balota, there was someone in a millitary-ish suit near me, he aimed a gun at me and so did I aim at him, after a few seconds he just went off, continueing his story.
  14. Miki (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Tried about ten servers, some of them were locked and others just got stuck in the creating character line.
  15. Miki (DayZ)

    UK guy looking for anyone!

    What's up? I'm Miki. Been finding it pretty hard to survive myself although i've never been player killed. Do you have Skype? We can contact through it and i'll explain further about my location.
  16. AWESOME! Seriously though, don't do that dreaming thing again, volume was set on half and it freaked the hell outta me ._.
  17. Miki (DayZ)

    DayZ Mythbusters

    Haha, great video! Especially the direct communication myth xD
  18. Miki (DayZ)

    M1911 vs Revolver

    Never used a revolver, in-fact i've never encountered one. My personal choise would still be the M1911 ofcourse, as he doesn't make as much as noise like a revolver.
  19. Miki (DayZ)

    Random Story - Twas Funny.

    Lmao, poor guy, should be a rule against robbing players when they only started :/
  20. Miki (DayZ)

    New over the forums

    What's up? Been playing DayZ for about two weeks now and decided to introduce myself. So, how are you guys lasting around? I got myself an assault backpack, M1911, AK and an MP5, waiting for my friend to come back from Russia so I can hand him the morphium, he broke his leg during a zombie fight and I had to go look for something to solve the problem.
  21. It's actually pretty intense, which makes it more fun for me. My friend was over at my house and we were playing together, we went towards Balota and climbed up the ledder towards that small guard building, there was a zombie in there so obviously I shot him, while checking out the loot I noticed another one coming up, and couple of more waiting down to climb up after their 'friend'. It was pretty hilarious, all that stress, ended up killed about ten of them and loosing almost two mags.