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About nulak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Really nice post. I like the idea.
  2. I would like to see the bandit skin back, well maybe change the way you get it, but imo it was a great feature. For sure, now u can lie to other people, like in real life BUT even if u want this game a simu, it STILL a game. So instead of improve the feeling of a simulation, it just turned in a deathmatch fest. Now there is only 2 side aka "survivor in grp" and solo people KOS other. Could it be ok for u guys to just be able to drop 100% the bandit skin after killed one (human player only) ? So u can still be a murderer without show it. (by not looting it) I mean, DayZ is a video game, and the meaning of that for lots of reason, is HAVING FUN. And lots of people just enjoyed looking at their character as a bandit.
  3. nulak

    Bandit skins

    Is there any topic about bandit skin idea, i would like to see it back too...
  4. nulak

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Is there a official list of items that cannot be loot without hack, to prevent Ban for noob like me ? Or like a list of all original items u can find in the mod.
  5. Same here, i like 3rd person view, if u a real badass and think its so "casual", go play some CPMA, this is where u can show ur real skill, not in ArmA2. 3rd person is just a cool feature that other common FPS don't have, its another cool thing that appeal player on Arma + u can just go to an hardcore server.
  6. - Game purchase only BUT with some stuff, like Model / skin people can buy. (u lost the majority of people who already pay a subs for something and/or a mmorpg if u do montly subs + u can't charge people with a permanent death system in ur game, thats not realistic in a business way) Tribes Ascend recently did it and it works very very well for them, trust me... Yeah its a free to play i know, but simply do the same with skin ONLY (or any stuff who don't break the game or gives u advantage) + Game purchase. Studio developed (keep doing hardcore stuff, don't go with anything casual or the community will bash u and ur game will die) - Community or studio servers? Same as TRibes again, hosted by you, we pay u BUT for a interesting price and where we can set ours own rules (without change the vanilla game too much) - Kickstarter? No, why ? too many project, people are already lost and don't know where to put money anymore. I played 4 hours for the first time today, i asked all my friend to do the same, and i was thinking, why the hell this game is "only" a mod, it need to be a game. Arma2 engine is good for this game, TheHunter engine could works too. My main complain about ARma2 engine ? Not very well optimized or too demanding idk. Thx for ur work, u can have my $$, now just do a real game with better UI/ engine / Server Browser / more weaps / Skin etc... and HARDCORE AS IT IS.