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Everything posted by Lulu!

  1. Lulu!

    skills idea

    No. I dislike this idea tremendously. The only reason I play this game is because there is no skill tree dictating HOW you play and limiting you every single step of the way. Leave the games mechanics how it is or the next thing you know you'll be needing to level up to level 35 before holding an AK-47.
  2. Lulu!

    Be polite.

    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." - USMC Officer James Mattis. I would like to point this out to most of you avid survivors and soon to be bandits in our gloomy and lonely world of Chernarus. Many of you have decided it is far more easy to simply kill the man next to you for his food rather than politely ask if he has any to spare. Many of you have decided it is far more simple to execute first and ask questions later on even the most unsuspecting and unarmed survivors in the most distant portion of our island. This is true for some, but false for most! Please, take the time to consider that though you may not fully trust the armed psychopath directly next to you, he may be your best friend. He may ask his friend to come over to heal you or give you valuable supplies you need to survive. He may recognize you later on and save your skin when you're being chased by a ghastly group of flesh-mongering ghouls. He may even put his own life on the line and make the ultimate sacrifice to keep you alive and guarantee you'll make it at least another day. That person could plan to murder you while you feast on your hard earned beans, or when you're topping off the ol' tank with water. He could do a number of terrible and horrendous things that can make your skin crawl, or he can be your one true friend in the apocalypse and the one soul keeping you sane. OR you can shoot him and take just one can of beans and move on; that's completely up to you. With that I would like to to say "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." Sincerely, someone who would rather work together than die alone.
  3. Lulu!

    Be polite.

    Not at all, I know a few females who play. There's no game that says who can play and who can't, it's whatever. If you're interested play.
  4. Lulu!

    M9 or makarov...

    Pretty sure that was an automatic rifle.
  5. Lulu!

    Feature Wishlits

    More fluent movement would be nice, and easier to get on servers. Other than that I absolutely love the content and love the game type even more. I can stand loading times if it means I get to play Rockets' awesome mod!
  6. Lulu!

    Please take my money!

    I wish we could just spread the word to other players and get the community more involved. Any way we can help?
  7. Lulu!

    When to trust people

    Honestly? I only trust my friends I talk to on Skype. Otherwise I don't go near anyone who approaches me, however I do /help/ people in need.
  8. I think it's a really good thing. Yes it's nice to see who is evil but it's also nice to know the guy next to you could be anyone!
  9. Hmm.. Won't that be hard to enforce with zombies and PKers?
  10. Lulu!

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    Looks cool!
  11. Hi! Is there a section on the forums where people can write full drawn out character stories? Not in that one mashed "stories" post in General Discussion, I mean a forum board where each character gets his/her own post. I mean like talking about where they came from, how they got to Chernarus, what's keeping them going, events that have happened to them, all that good character building stuff.
  12. Lulu!

    Character stories?

    Thank you very much.
  13. Lulu!

    Be polite.

    I've had so many good moments when I choose not to pull the trigger, and decide to help people out. It's turned out well about half the time, worth death for me if I'm alone!
  14. Lulu!

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    I love you Rocket! *flashes chest*