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Everything posted by Lulu!

  1. Lulu!

    I Need A Mentor With Skype Plz

    I can give you some helpful tips and hints but might not play with you! chris.ob on skype.
  2. Lulu!

    Body Armor

    No thank you, not unless you can visibly tell whether or not a player is wearing body armor.
  3. Lulu!

    Download beta patch?

    I believe our rather short friend meant this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2085&pid=19241#pid19241. (Doesn't hurt to be helpful.)
  4. Not a big deal, that meter works both ways if you're close enough to observe. Not only that but if your stealthy enough they'll never see you!
  5. For everyone still mentioning the lag issue, Rocket has acknowledged that the new update (1.6.X) has brought a large increase in lag, and as other players have pointed out the longer a server has been online the more lag it has (stream problem?).
  6. Lulu!

    Crashed hele and M107 TWS

    I would never take that. =p
  7. Lulu!

    How well geared are you?

  8. Lulu!

    Standoff at Krasnotsav Control Tower

    This was epic, I enjoyed the watch.
  9. Lulu!

    Godzilla Zombie

    Kill it. Kill it before it lays eggs.
  10. Lulu!

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Why don't you just make it that if you want to disconnect you have to sit still and not move for twenty seconds, but you can still swivel your head, however, if you start getting shot at you are free to move as it just breaks the counter and in order to log off you need to sit still for another twenty seconds. Basically just a cool down timer where you're in control, but moving restarts the count from zero so you're never stuck, frozen, or immobile.
  11. Lulu!

    How well geared are you?

    What does the entrenching tool do? (Besides the obvious, what does it do in ARMA?)
  12. Lulu!


    http://site.earplugstore.com/popshootersmuffs.htm Military uses these I guess, and no you're not deaf. You can hear just fine! :)
  13. Patch should be out sometime tomorrow to fix the "stream" issue, according to other posts and Rocky.
  14. How did we get on this subject? =p
  15. Lulu!

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Borrowing the one with the hands, hella nice man!
  16. I know a few people excited about the new skins to finally be able to play right, no idea why people think it gives people a breathtaking advantage.. Anyways thank you for the update, just it'd be nice if it was more of a game and less of a slideshow. <3
  17. Lulu!

    Thoughts on Bandages

    No. I think this is quite useless and a terribad idea.
  18. Lulu!

    Knifes & Nades

    ARMA isn't really built for melee, that's the only reason it's not in. It would be really glitchy and awkward.
  19. Lulu!

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Rocket if you were single I would kidnap you and love you. Amazing updates and I'm exciting to get to play them!
  20. Hey y'all, just curious about one thing I have /never/ been able to come across. Does anyone know a good spawn location for the Coyote Elite backpack, and on a second note where we can find different clothing types?
  21. Lulu!

    What if it wasn't getting any longer?

    This is a deathmatch survival game, it's a huge key in the gameplay. I would love for more players to pour in because you know we have our (loving <3) bandits there to teach all the new guys a lesson and keep people in line. Pretty sure as long as they're around people will be a little more cautious and worried, or at least learn to be.
  22. Lulu!

    Dragging Corpses

    This would be really cool to set traps or just hide bodies for the time being, could also use them for quick storage if you know what I mean. I'm definitely in support of dragging bodies (alive and dead - imagine taking prisoners?)
  23. Boredom level. If you sit still long enough your boredom increases drastically and eventually blood starts pouring out of every major organ in your body. After that you'd explode.
  24. Lulu!

    Stole a helo B)

    That's pretty damned epic, good job with that. I definitely like to see this type of gameplay!
  25. Lulu!

    [FREE] Launcher and updater, no input required

    Seems pretty cool, I'll try it out when I get sick of sixloader again.