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About Lulu!

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    I'm me, 'tis all you need to know. I am not in the Army Rangers (yet), I just use it for my character.
  1. Not sure if this is the right spot, but Atlanta 56 lost all tents and vehicles in a restart for like 5 different camps. If at all possible could we have a restart? Tanks dears. <3
  2. Lulu!

    Face lawn mower glitch

    Yeah. His other vidoes show him disconnecting when being chased, then disconnecting when being hit.
  3. So after not playing for two weeks I updated my DayZ and Beta files via Six Updater, and launched by game. I was immediately met with two errors (apparantly graphical) but I thought nothing of it. I went to join the game and half of the building were silver and shiny, so were the vehicles! So I tried validating game files via steam and now it's /missing/ entire buildings, just not there. I am hoping someone can help me fix the broken files or fix the game, no idea what happened but it just stopped working. Graphical error message: http://i.imgur.com/LDVcA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5qY3i.jpg In-game: http://i.imgur.com/6YyMQ.jpg NOTICE SOMETHING MISSING: http://i.imgur.com/Iiu8O.jpg Running windows 7 64bit, never had these problems before. Hope I can get some help. :(
  4. Lulu!

    [Video] Camp Raid - Multiple Vehicle Theft

    I don't know if I would call it a raid.. as much as stealing a car or two. :P
  5. Lulu!

    [Video] Me vs. a bus and 3 guys

    I care, I thought that was pretty cool! Too bad your victims logged off before you got a chance to smite them.
  6. Lulu!

    Bullet registration...

    This game is known to have desync and at times the worst lag imaginable. Best bet is to stay hidden while shooting so the bullets have a chance to register on the player before he can turn around and return fire.
  7. Lulu!

    300 player servers ever possible?

    Nope, defeats the purpose and look of the post apocalyptic lonely island. As stated in thousands of threads this isn't a party of celebration it's an apocalypse! Most of the population has turned to cannibalistic ghouls; survivors are /rare/.
  8. Lulu!

    Double Helicopter oh my

    I am jealous of your backpack, been looking for years for a Coyote Elite. :(
  9. Lulu!

    Careful not to RANDOMLY DIE during this "HOTFIX"

    Troll needs to go away for ever.
  10. Lulu!

    Server Hopping Exploit Possible Fix

    And if you crash from the server and want to rejoin your friends? If you have to go away from keyboard but don't want to leave your character sitting in-game to starve or get shot? Not to mention how many times I have to reset something or relog due to bugs like the giant grey wall of doom. No, in my opinion banning someone from the server for a set period of time just for leaving is quite silly.
  11. Lulu!

    Drones/ UAV (Ka-137 and Pchela-1T)

    Nope; in my opinion it ruins the lonely desolate picture of the zombie apocalypse to have random electronically controlled helicopters flying around. Where would you find batteries, controls, parts to repair it, anything? Plus people already say Night Vision Goggles are overpowered and cheap, imagine having a drone buzzing over people 24/7. Also Parptarf stop complaining, it makes the game fun and playable. You can always go play Dead Island if you want skillsets.
  12. Lulu!

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Taste the rainbow.
  13. Lulu!

    Murder and NVG's

    I have a pair of NVGs and I can pretty much sneak up on anyone at night, and I know I have the advantage. I feel like if you spent the time to actually earn them you should have the reward of using them; of course they have an advantage and it's unfair.. They're NIGHT VISION GOGGLES. However, agreeing with the previous posts they should take batteries that are semi-hard to find so you're not invincible with them.
  14. Didn't get a chance to read most of this but I have to settle with a big ol' NO. In my personal opinion if you want to play a zombie survival game with "classes" that give you a predetermined skill set and advantage over one another go play Killing Floor; it has all you could ever want. I play this game because it's open world, free, do whatever you want type of game. You want to hunt? Go ahead and hunt easily without having to level up or switch classes. You want to harvest? You want to hunt bandits and execute them? You want to get into firefights? Go for it, nothing is holding you back! However in this different classes spawn with ASSAULT RIFLES and "High level accuracy" while others spawn with a makarov and "low accuracy"? I'm sorry but that leveling crap is just a huge setback, unfair, and a silly mechanic that only limits the potential of this game. This isn't Skyrim or Killing Floor, keep the levels and classes to those games please. I don't want to have to spend hours training my character to be able to gut an animal if I have all the equipment on me, I don't want to not be able to bandage myself if I have bandages because I don't have the WoW skillset, and lastly I don't want some bush-monster spawning as a pilot spawning on top of military equipment loot and all the equipment he needs when I would get a makarov and LOW aiming? What is that? If two players are squared off, both ironsights locked on center of mass, one of them misses becauses their.... accuracy isn't high? That's just silly.
  15. Lulu!

    Looting players bodies

    There's no infecting of players to begin with (yet), so dats kind of hard to do when they haven't even considered if players are going to be infected.