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Everything posted by Tenderness

  1. Tenderness

    How fast can you get the basic gear?

    Good point. I have seen people just running around in the cities, because the zombies can be lost so easily, so the whole sneaking part can turn out to be useless. Seeing as gearing up is luckbased, it should not be this easy to just loot every building in the cities.
  2. Tenderness

    How fast can you get the basic gear?

    I also tend to check for barns, seeing as it almost 100% guaranteed holds firearms. I don't know why, but i always stumble across a double-barrel shotgun in every barn i loot.
  3. Tenderness

    Your rules for shoot on sight

    I tend to do it when i start out in a city like Elektro. The sheer amount of players, with the fact that almost anyone in there is trying to kill one and another, i do tend to shoot or chop down the players that i find to be a threat. Other than that i just steer clear of most people and try to get out of the city as quick as possible.
  4. Tenderness

    Man... Those Lee Enfields...

    Something stinks here... How could he have fired an enfield without aggroing every zombie on the server?? O.o
  5. Do a lot of the people here play on night servers, and if you do, how do you navigate/see properly? I tend to use road flares, and pretty much just feel like im playing on luck when it's nighttime and im looting buildings. Throw a flare from a safe spot to check for dangerous things, start crawling somewhere in the dark til i stop again, throw new flare, crawl a bit further. Don't know why Zombies don't seem to aggro me at night, but then again, if i can't see butt shit, how can they? On a sidenote, is there anything that actually changes in the Zombie AI at night? Edit: icomrade politely corrected me on my use of "to do" in third person, thank you i guess.
  6. Oh well, i want to try this sometime, just to see the chances of survival.
  7. Tenderness

    Group up?

    Oh boy, do i know that feeling. I killed a guy today, 5 minutes later 4 people came and swarmed around the house i was in. Im really sad that i didn't manage to kill more than just one of them.
  8. Well, you sure did manage to derail it in the right direction. Cool video :)
  9. Yeah, doesn't take much before the topic changes to some of the more "annoying" aspects of the game. I agree with you on the 3rd person thing, seeing as it forces one to use sound much more. I don't feel comfortable at night, or just learn to appreciate and find some thrill in it, like you do. But i guess it's only logical for you to play at night, if that is where you get excited :D
  10. Hehe :) Doesn't really get much better ^^ I do use the flashlight, but i also find it almost useless because it doesn't show more than 3 meters ahead. Maybe im just completely wrong and should get my vision checked? I mostly made the thread, just to check if people had any special ways of looting and running around safely at night :)
  11. I see that goggles are pretty popular, eh? ;) I would like to use them, but that would require me to have them, and i don't spawn on the beach with military grade equipment :C I always feel uncomfortable at night to be honest, mostly because i don't really see that far into the distance (Untill i get my goggles i believe.)
  12. Tenderness

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    I don't think you can just implement it, seeing as it's a lot of hardcoding, and the inventory is pretty much taken straight out of the Arma engine. I believe that has been set, but that is my thoughts atleast. I like the idea however, and i find it much more organized, than what we have now :)
  13. So lately i have been wondering, do a lot of you have friends or people you know on the servers you play on, or are you pretty much playing alone? Earlier i was on my way out of Cherno, when a guy came running up to me and shot at me, just for me to shoot him and kill him. It didn't take more than 5 minutes, before i noticed around 2-3 players starting to run around the building i was in. Im wondering if these guys were teamed up, and if a lot of people actually do this? I havn't found anyone to play with, but i would like to know if there actually is quite a few people on the servers that are playing bandits together?
  14. Tenderness

    Calling for backup with friends in-game?

    I do have one friend who are also playing, we just havn't gotten the chance to play together yet. Thanks for the replies, really helped my understanding of the game :)
  15. Tenderness

    Calling for backup with friends in-game?

    I don't want to be a part of the whole "shoot on sight" mentality, so i guess i should just steer clear of people from now on. Kind of an eye opener that groups were actually common. (I am somewhat new to the mod)
  16. Tenderness

    What was your first death?

    Aggroed two zombies. I just fired my Enfield as i thought "Well, then i won't have to worry about these atleast". Oh, where i wrong...
  17. Tenderness

    Calling for backup with friends in-game?

    I see. My first impression was that the majority were actually playing alone, but i guess that is what also made me vulnerable, at the most critical time. Maybe it's not a bad idea to find someone to team up with, just a friend or two. That way i may not be as vulnurable when it happens, and I may not be outnumbered and gunned down like i was ^^
  18. Tenderness

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    Logically i don't think zombies would be able to sprint as fast as a player do. Seeing as players are already something like super soldiers, capable of flying choppers, using various kinds of weapons aswell as having a medical knowledge, it wouldn't make sense that a half rotten corpse could move at the same speed. In DayZ Zombies tend to be faster at times, and if thats the way Rocket wants them, we will just have to do with those Zombies. I think the pathing will be fixed and made better at some point, but i don't think health should be changed however. Making zombies slower is an option, and i don't even think it will make them that worse. It's not like you outrun a zombie in less than a minute, if you are just running a few km/h faster than it.
  19. Tenderness

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game Purchase. Paying for items with real money will easily make things unbalanced, and if not, it won't be a stable income for the makers of the game. I would like it to be developed just the way the game is now. I like how the community is holdning the servers, even though i don't think it would hurt to have both community aswell as developer servers. The way bugs are being reported, (and people generally complain too much) is actually what makes it possible for developers to make the game better, or just the way they like it. The community shoudln't always decide, seeing as the game would be pretty bad if they did, but it's important to keep contact between players and developers.
  20. Tenderness

    This is why I kill on sight

    OPs point is pretty much why i look around so i don't get ambushed, and why i allways stay covered when engaging other players. It's not that hard to see if the person is going to turn against you.
  21. I have been looking around the forum, but havn't been able to find an answer for my question. It goes as follows: After a server restart, what is the time for loot to start spawning. I recently joined a server that just updated to the last Beta, and i couldn't find any loot. Checked a house with 20 loot spawns, and the supermarket in Cherno.
  22. Tenderness

    Server restart and loot spawning.

    I was thinking that it might work like this, but i guess we can't be certain. I just found it odd that the entire supermarket with a big house did not have any loot. It's not like someone went by and decided to stuff their bag with all the stuff there was. I would just like to get the facts on how the loot spawns actually work, while taking the server restarts into the equation.
  23. Tenderness

    What kills you the most?

    Kinda hard to say actually. I tend to die to zeds, even though i havn't had more than 5-6 lives. It's not the Zeds themselves, or me playing too aggressively thats causing it though. Seeing as i often have a hard time finding food, i get more desperate when i get more hungry, and this often causes me to get caught by a zombie. I have also been killed by a player at the beginning of a life. I also broke a leg to a wall at one point, managed to crawl to some morphine though. Only had 5k health when i got there, and never really got health back before the Zeds took my life in Cherno.
  24. The only problem you will find is when a new update comes out, and hotfixes starts to roll in. Then you will have to keep yourself up-to-date with the servers, while all servers are changing around from one version to another. This can cause a lot of confusion, and using Six Updater sometimes makes things a whole lot simpler at that point. Other than that there isn't really much of a difference. If you are good at getting the newest versions yourself,you might aswell do that. But you can go the lazy way and get Six Updater to do it all for you ^^
  25. Tenderness

    Average Life Expectancy

    Start helping people, if you don't feel like killing them :) I think people are getting better. DayZ had a huge increase in its playerbase, and i think it was during this time that people easily died, because so many people had to learn the game. Just a theory though.