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Everything posted by Tenderness

  1. I am currently running around with an enfield, and i have been wondering if i can Aim down sight with it? Pressing the Right mouse button only zooms in, the same way i have seen the screen zoom in using the makarov. I don't know if there is a hint or something im doing wrong, seeing as it only zooms but doesn't use the iron sight? On a side note, what do people here find to be the best/most effective gun? :)
  2. Every time I start anew, I notice that I have been getting faster at finding my location, finding what my next stop should be, and generally just where to look, and what to look for. As I got better, I were able to do this faster, and now I am interested in hearing your stories about the fastest gearing you have done on one of your characters. I once spawned just outside Elektro, so I started crawling into the city to the place with two big buildings next to a supermarket. On my way there I passed a small building, where i picked up a hatchet. In the first large building I found a handgun+ammo, knife, food, water bottle, soda, matches, map, watch and I believe I also found a compass. I had never tried looting a building with this much usable loot, and i was allready pretty happy, and ready to leave cherno. I moved on to the supermarket, seeing as it was on the way out of the city. In there I found a Czech Backpack aswell as a tent and some more food. All this happened in under 20 minutes, and I was simply amazed of my luck. How fast have you tried to get the basic gear and equipment?
  3. I really don't like the state of this mod. The survival-zombie aspect is almost non-existent.. People are just running around "killing bandits" just to get some PvP action going. I can't really blame anyone though. Servers are floating with guns and such, so why would it not take this turn? To get the spree on i guess you want to just go to the key locations. Stary is my best bet. You could also try NWA ofc..
  4. Tenderness

    More cars...less gear

    You don't know if primary issue that everybody is concerned about, is the lack of gas. You don't know how this infection started meaning that you do not know how the infection affected the amount of gas. Right now there is a lot of gas, perhaps because people never got to drive around so much, before they were all infected. Just wanted to point that out before you deem yourself the all-seeing oracle of apocalypses...
  5. The thing that makes ghillie suits really powerful is that a player running through a forest won't notice you being still or just moving a bit if you are wearing a ghillie suit. It really does make you blend in as long as the viewer is not focusing on a single view.
  6. Tenderness

    How do i open doors (webshot)

    This should be in the New Player Discussion forums ^^ Actually, you ought to play a bit of the original Arma 2 to get the basics.
  7. Tenderness

    Where are the zombie hordes?

    Go play L4D OP! What is it with people who find this zombie survival simulator and instantly takes if for being another zombie-mowing funtime?? It's not supposed to have large hordes or anything like that. I think Rocket and the devs wants zombies to be a constant threat, but i don't think they want to do it by making "random events". Just try to imagine what the odds for a 100 zombies to move organized in one direction?
  8. Tenderness

    The Myth of Green Mountain

    I think you went to brokeback mountain OP..
  9. Tenderness

    I can feel it's pull.

    Care to explain the scenario a bit more? Remember that it's = it is and its is when something belongs to someone or anything of the like.
  10. Tenderness

    Take out .50 cals

    You don't get how weapon systems works i believe. A bolt action rifle with a longer barrel will do more harm than a semi-automatic rifle with a shorter barrel. This is because the bolt action rifle can focus the explosion better, causing a higher velocity and all that, while the semi-automatic requires some of this power to reload the weapon. It's important to remember that any gun using a 7.62x51mm and above will cause a great amount of damage. On a sidenote, not all guns and sorts of ammo are built to kill. Most special forces around the world are actually equipped with weapons made to incapacitate. A good example is the AK against the M16 family. It's not just for fun that the AK is using a bigger bullet, It's actually bigger to make sure that it will do more damage.
  11. Tenderness

    Take out .50 cals

    Even though there are a lot of military camps and such around cheranus, it's still somewhat impressive how they are all floating with weapons used by Western Europe and U.S.A..
  12. I don't really care about you leaving this game, and i don't think a post made with the objective to explain your reason to us is justifiable. I get your point though, but it's not like we have never seen that sort of post before.
  13. Tenderness

    Dayz unplayable due to hackers

    I never heard anything about these so called 'hackers', could you please tell me more? :)
  14. I feel somewhat guilty when i kill someone uld though, nor would someone who had come to terms with their actions. I think most of the bandits would at some point. It could be implemented for the first kill or something, but nothing more than that.in game. I bet i would feel a lot more guilty in real life, just like i believe you would (judging from your post.) I don't think some psychopathic mass murderer wo
  15. Tenderness

    m14 AIM

    My favorite gun by far. The gun can be used in direct combat, while still being highly effective. It hits hard and you can easily land 2 shots within a second on a target, dropping them instantly. It can be used to well over 500 meters. The bullet drop is not what you will find to be the problem, more the fact that the red dot sort of hides your target, making it hard to hit precisely. You won't have to aim more than a few millimeters over the targets head, and that is at ~600m. You will easily find a lot of ammunition for it, both from DMR as well as the m24 mags i believe. When i started to play with friends after having played alone for about a week i panicked and accidentally one-shot him by a headshot. I acted on reflexes as i thought someone had been sneaking up on us, but i found that all i managed to do was instant kill my mate. After that i learned to hesitate a bit before shooting, and how easy the M14 is to use, and how effective it generally is.
  16. Tenderness


    It's a mod.
  17. Seeing as I'm an individual in this community, i would like to say that i am offended. I don't like being called scum. Next time please take note that there is a difference between the general community and the hackers.
  18. Tenderness

    Should bikes be more common?

    Every city should have about two spawns in my opinion. The infection doesn't seem like something that happened years ago, with zeds still walking around. I think it would seem authentic with a fair chance of bikes in the towns, but for the sake of gameplay, Rocket may just want to leave things the way they are. Edit: Rocket+devs. The whole development team ought to be noted.
  19. Tenderness

    Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?

    I like this thread more than the every day "Kill on sight" thread. This one actually had potential of giving some more useful replies :) I rarely shoot on sight to be honest, i will stalk players if i have the opportunity though. I would shoot a player in the leg if he kept following me. If he kept doing it while carrying a weapon i believe i would feel threatened enough to kill him pretty quickly, but this situation is somewhat surreal. I would not shoot someone who wouldn't respond at first. I usually try to walk away or run in this situation, but if I can't do this I will most likely try to shoot his leg and then run, or perhaps just kill him all together. I would NEVER shoot anyone just because they had good gear though, perhaps if they had food that i required to survive, and i was close to starvation. Havn't been at this point with a player around though, so i won't know until the scenario occurs. My first priority will always be to stalk another player, and run if I'm caught or encountered in any way. Shooting is my last way out, but I think it's what i will end up relying on most of the time, seeing as ones life is always hanging be a thread.
  20. Tenderness

    Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

    I'm not offended in any way. I don't sit trying to snipe people, I'm actually trying to play this game by being friendly, hard as it may be. I'm not a 'script-kiddie' either. I can program a batch-file though, don't know if that makes me guilty? ^^ I try to avoid the hackers i can, which means that i am generally just staying away from most people. Other than that i just try to play on servers that aren't overly populated, and i just live on luck i guess. I can't tell if I'm hack proof though.
  21. Tenderness

    To my saviour in US 257

    You'r 'savior' were most likely shooting at you.
  22. Tenderness

    Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

    HERE WE GO AGAIN, NA NA!! I'm playing the mod = It's playable for me at least, I feel sorry for you OP.
  23. I do like the idea, and I believe this was the point of the mod. To get players to do sort of 'original' stuff like this, without having anything to really guide them towards these scenarios. It will be a hard idea to pull off, seeing as a lot of people will try to shoot the keepers of the store down, and generally just ruin it, but if it is done efficiently enough, i think this could become a thing. But you don't understand, there is. The thing is that there is not supposed to be a mechanism to make this possible, players are supposed to make it possible themselves. This is the idea of a sandbox game, and the way OP has described the scenario, it could be possible! I also thought about this. It should definitely be done up north, perhaps in a shop there, or in a barn located away from the focus points.
  24. Tenderness

    How Long Do You Scout?

    I think I'm still at the point where i don't really spy for more than 10 seconds at most. But in this situation it would depend on the distance to a building or anything where i could hide. If it was more than a 30 second run i will check for more than 10 seconds though. If I'm almost at the building though, i will most likely just make a run for it. Outside of that scenario though, I don't really go to very high yield areas. I usually just go for deer stands, seeing as i have canteens and hatchet/knife/matches. The most dangerous part about this though is the open fields, where i have to walk through the clearing without anywhere to really go for. At clearings like these i try to find the smallest distance, but i scout for a long time, 30 seconds at least.