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About dzuari

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. dzuari

    Oculus Rift for SA?

    Thanks, Now is that 60fps for the 3D capability only? I wonder if you could use one just as a regular screen without the 3D? If not it looks like I'll be buying duel GTX titans :/
  2. dzuari

    Oculus Rift for SA?

    http://www.oculusvr.com So the rift developer version should be shipping out within the coming weeks to the kick starter backers and u can preorder one now for $300 with a lead time of 2-3 months. I'm personally super excited to see people reviewing the rift on games not built for it and having it's own accelerometers for head tracking is very enticing for Arma because I love my IRtracker5 but having a screen fixed to where ever I look would be awesome. So, Have the developers made any statements on if they are looking to integrate the 3D capabilities(not head tracking) on the oculus into dayZ?
  3. dzuari

    Weather affecting zombies

    They wouldnt die from these in game while your playing, you would only see a difference in; Disease % chance Health Movements speed Population(how many zombies spawn, and the amount of already dead bodies) You would see a lot of frozen dead zed in the mountains and depending on the degree of intelligence they would spawn mostly inside buildings unless they have winter clothes, movement would be slown, they would also not carry much disease and have high health due to it. In temperate locations you'd See a lot of zed, with mild disease %, medium high health(from disease) and move very fast. In tropical conditions youd see high % disease, low population because of the disease, lots of dead body's with disease and low zed health because of disease.
  4. This can go two ways depending on the lore behind DayZ. 1. Zed are the traditional zombies in which they are reanimated dead people, no blood circulation, rotting flesh. 2. They are the pissed off 28 days later zombie, living people, they just have the urge to bite your face off. ------------------------------------------------- Frozen climate: (Bellow 32deg F, mountains, tundra, Namalsk): Type 1 - zed in this climate would freeze in place or be extremely slow. their body's would not decompose as fast or at all though. Almost no diseases. Type 2 - zed would live in this climate but have to eat in order to stay alive but would probably freeze to death if not inside or with warm clothes. They would probably move slower also. Almost no disease. Temperate climate(chenarus): Type 1 - would be rotten and have a various levels of mobility throughout the zed populace depending on decomposition. Above moderate diseases. High populace Type 2 - would be fine, just need to eat. Moderate disease. High populace Tropical climate: Type 1 - extremely rotten due to humidity, many crawlers and hoppers, low health and mobility due to much of their body parts being gone. Disease infested. Type 2: disease infested. Low populace due to disease and death. This would give dynamic gameplay throughout maps and depending on your gear you may choose one area to move to than another. This would be a nature difficultly setting in the game. You need good clothes but no gear to explore winter environments but not much worry about zombies. Tropical climates might have high yielding loot but disease infested but easy to kill zombies. Temperate would be for highly geared players due to large amounts of zed. Thoughts?
  5. dzuari

    Why banditing?

    I find actually trying to hold people up(real banditry) to be more intense and entertaining that just Shoot on Sight, but you usually need a few people to do that.
  6. dzuari

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

  7. dzuari

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    Weight and length should effect weapon say.
  8. dzuari


    No doubt, you should get your store ransacked if you think it's smart to built it out in the middle of nowhere, alone. it should be a collection of players to keep a town or base maintained. I just want to see something that is worth maintaining because right now it's pretty much urals. Tents are a joke and you can't clear a town of zombies cause of infinite spawning. Even being able to built or put up storage containers in a building is a step forward.
  9. dzuari


    Hell No, you find your stuff and trade it just like you would in real life. AI is just one of many suggestions. A more suitable mechanic would be something like the guy earlier mentioned where you have a mechanism that locks the door or something so the guy can't escape for a brief time if he does decide to kill you. I just want to see some kind of mechanic to promote more player driven town/community in the game and not a giant 225sqK TDM and roaming hordes of bandits.
  10. dzuari


    The problem then is how do you defends your assets? In real life you'd wake up and start shooting but you never know when someone is going through your stuff in dayz when you are logged off.
  11. dzuari


    This mechanic would thrive on private hives and whitelist and people already do it know, it would just be built in mechanic to strength it. And I when I said safe zone, I meant a player driven safe zone that players actively defend, not some mechanic that doesn't allow you to kill. the storefronts would still be destructible ie stachels or large explosives but defensable against small arms or the random shoot on sight guy. Just enough for a bandit to say,"I might not want to shoot this guy right now". Maybe something as simple as a lockable door? If you shoot the guy that controls the lock you might be stuck in that house for awhile and his friend might come avenge his death.
  12. dzuari


    :) I'd say nothing more than a defend script(shoot anything that isn't you). And a simple toggle on, toggle off.
  13. dzuari


    That's another issue that arises, yes this is suppose to be a simulator but in real life you don't log off, you just go to sleep and if someone breaks into your place you wake up but in the game there is no way to deter bandits. So maybe defensive AI characters? Is that blasphemy on these forums? :)
  14. dzuari


    With the SA it would be nice to have a building or room that you could secure in order to sell loot to players traveling through without the worry of getting shot in the face. It wouldn't be indestructible but something to encourage player driven towns and more interaction instead of shoot on site and loot, repeat. I really enjoy base building but the current mechanic are more in favor of just roaming, there is no point securing an area when you know someone can just log on and steal your stuff when you're away. This could be something as complex as a customizable building where you have to find bullet proof glass to build a safety barrier or some building or underground room that the devs prebuilt. I'd really like to see mechanics that allow use to create our own in game communities/towns/cities that we can defend from bandits, provide a safe place for survivors and new players.
  15. dzuari

    I want real hordes of zombies

    This + your avatar, lolz