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Everything posted by TopLeaf

  1. Why? because we're here to Fu#k shot up
  2. TopLeaf

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Think of it as an expansion pack for Xbox Live, you're purchasing new maps, weapons and game play. Stop being a stingy prick and get over it
  3. TopLeaf

    We need the mighty boot!!

    It's one shot to kill a Zombie if you shoot them in the head. You must have been missing
  4. TopLeaf

    need some backup tho :D

    You normally add people through Skype, and talk over that :) If you're use to gamin on other consoles maybe check out some forums for them and try asking them. Hope I could help you out and that you find a group of people to run with
  5. Thanks for the shout out, went on the server made friends with the hacker, now I have some good loot
  6. After engaging a hacker on LA10 and shooting him 3 times in the head with my Enfield he returned fire with a pistol (LOL STUPID HACKER) couldn't hit me with his sniper because of range. anyway I passed out aborted rejoined and what do you know half an hour later he's still there waiting, I abort once again server hop into some bushes where the camp is behind the tents and everything rejoin spend another 15 minutes passed out, started looting the the tents and Bam he landed his final blow shooting me in the face, ANYWAY there are about 10 Tents there all filled with guns and ammo so if you want to give it a look, it's LA10 at Old fields
  7. I don't care if you check there or not, I'm just letting people know
  8. TopLeaf

    Maps spawn in vehicles

    Realistically not every car would be burnt down and not able to work. Also if I was in a zombie apocalypse I would run around with a map on me so I knew where I was going, imagine as if the zombies were holding the maps and died in the grocery store then turned and left, or something like that
  9. God forbid someone make a mistake on your watch, thanks for your useful input phaggot. anyway I think this was a good write up and you sir, get my beans.
  10. So basically I can join some servers but not others, I'm Australian and can join American servers but not ANz or NZ ones, this is fucked! on DayZ commander it comes up as some servers are light grey and some are white, most are grey, does this mean anything? is my game not updating? my friend doesn't have a problem connecting to Aus ones but has trouble connecting to American ones that I can, will beans everyone who gives good answers
  11. both of you were completely right! good work take my beans!!!! also my friend just died RIP
  12. I only play to kill other players and ruin there day.
  13. One so they can run with the clan and another so they can run by themself. also they might want to be a good guy on one and a bandit on the other, there are plenty of reasons if you think about it
  14. TopLeaf

    Protip: How to Auto-Run (Steam Users)

    I was using a knife hahah
  15. TopLeaf

    Working together

    Add me on Skype, I'll help you out. Thomas_TopLeaf_Emery
  16. don't get shot in the head
  17. TopLeaf

    Keep spawning on the coast.

    I was doing research for us all, it happens when you swap from a and a server, so as long as we stick to just one we should all be fine :) Thanks for the beans
  18. TopLeaf

    Keep spawning on the coast.

    I'd say "This" again for Colditz post but I don't want you going crazy again, this issue is seriously starting to piss me off though. I have some of the bests tuff in the game, which I found legit and didn't have hacked on me and I don't to lose it because I spawn on the coast as bait for someone trying to earn some cheap kills
  19. If we meet it will be on my terms. You will meet me carrying absolutely nothing there for I have no reason to kill you and I know you can't kill me. I'll then give you directions when I can see, to make sure you don't have your friends sniping it will most likely be in a valley set up with my team. in the center of the valley I will leave a flair and backpack next to it. in the back back there will be the goggles and the range finders. you will then leave the car and run, having nothing but my word that I will not shoot you.
  20. So I'm north, found an AVT with some pretty good stuff but I'm still not satisfied, where should I look if I wanted to find a camp site?
  21. I have a gillie, Youdontsay.jpg Where would you put one? apart from debug Forrest ( think that's what it's called) where should I look?
  22. A car,full tank of gas and you can have one of my pair