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About agomez326@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. agomez326@gmail.com

    [WT6] Wookie Team Six is now recruiting!

    you successfully looted 1/10th of our gear... congratulation?!? Did you by any chance leave a red car 300m from the camp with no gas?
  2. agomez326@gmail.com

    Just watched =[WT6]= clannies DC from a firefight

    If you can tell me any more details... server, time, where in Cherno it happened, I can look into it to see if we were even there at the time.
  3. agomez326@gmail.com

    Just watched =[WT6]= clannies DC from a firefight

    I am part of [WT6]. Are you sure it was us? Cause our sniper teams only run in pairs. They are not in cherno if they are and they would not alt + f4.
  4. agomez326@gmail.com

    US 765 admin abuse

    He spoke in global and said you just killed an admin and kicked everyone. I rejoined and spawned into the admin opening fire on me and my friend instantly. I have a screenshot of the server owners name. http://www.wookieteam6.com/images/arma2oa-2012-07-15-00-37-57-78.gif