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Posts posted by Yellobelly

  1. Me and my buddy had 7 tents 2 food tents, 2 weapons and ammo tents 2 medic tents and one for parts and gas. We loged on our server and were both put into the debug island. then at respawn put me in kameka and him at three rivers, VERY far for both of us from our camp where we loged out. bout 2 hours later I made it back to our camp to find it destroyed, trees layin around all tents flat. I assume thats what a car can do to a camp. So we are looking for a new server. any suggestions?

    we are NA and would like a server with good ping. There is 2 of us and we would be up to group with a group or clan.

  2. I loged into the Colorado 3 server and it loaded my char. Once loaded it said I killed myself.. I reloged freeking out and I start on the coast again but all my zombie kills and stats are the same It just lost all of my Equipment. anything I can do to get my gear back? I had 2 akms 4 mags, alice pack, and tent. I loged out of the game at Zub castle on Colorado 3. Also, Now i get the waiting for character to create screen.
