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About stealthboy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. stealthboy

    Play arma 2 in two pc

    nope, cuz if u log onto same steam acc with another pc then at the first pc comes message that someone else logged on your account..... and with another steam account u canNOT play arma 2 from another account of course, that was a stupid question
  2. Well I had a clothpack of this kind too, but I wore it without any problems, but I had the same problem as I tried to wear CAMO found at the western railwaystation of chern
  3. stealthboy

    need Rescue

    Greetings everyone, This is stealthboy again and I need help on the "DE #00......" Server, because I need someone to bandage me and giving me bloodpak and morphine. I'm currently laying in coma and got just the worst weapons ever, but I won't lose this char again so if anyone could tell me a time where you are on this server at the western fire watch station, I'll be there yours, stealthboy!
  4. stealthboy

    Wave of Death

    sorry that guys #CLOSED
  5. stealthboy

    Wave of Death

    Greetings everyone, This is stealthboy again and........I got a new problem: in Elektro I tried to hide in a building from running zombies, because shoting with a Lee Enfield on open street will cause more danger than it solves(noise), but then it happens: a frenchman zombie glitched threw every wall with about 60km/h and instantly: broke leg, shock, and stuff, I still had 11300 Blood but, I was dead!!! This happend to me about 4 times already. I srsly am fukked up if this happens to me, because I had 3 weapons in inventory, for friends, you know? 3 fukin guns -.- I'm wondering if anyone else happens this to also, please tellme your story and give me any suggestion why this happens and how I could prevent this from happening yours, stealthboy
  6. stealthboy

    PvE Server option

    Greeting everyone, I think it's annoying to get all the time shot by some "pro's" with automatic rifle while I hang out there with a double barrel -.- And if I find some good weapon (my fav. is currently Lee Enfield :P) I get glitched like at the airport: I went there to the controll tower and wanted to get in so I kept climbing over the garbage, but then I suddenly died by nothing. But thats not the task.....my suggestion is: pls make servers able to be PvE only, it sucks, exspecially for new players to get shot every 20 minutes, thats frustrating them and maybe don't play dayz anymore. I know it's unrealistic again, but it's just a suggestion. Note: I fukin am stealthy^^ yours, stealthboy
  7. stealthboy

    Zombie 1-Hit Knockdown

    thanks for all the tipps, I am normally very stealthy^^ But when I am followed I sometimes get glitched in some wallbugs or something and then starts the meele fight....... :D
  8. Greetings everyone, I got a problem with the engine making zombies glitching threw walls, make them hard to shot while runnig and stuff, but the greatest thing is that they knock u out for 10 minutes with 1 hit only and then consume u. How in god's name shall I have a chance to encounter this alone??? And for all who recomment: "get friend" and stuff: fuk you I'd really like to have a chance at surviving a long time alone, because my friends are not all the time online. yours, stealthboy