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About OjigO

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  1. So I download dayZ again after taking a break from it. And when I load in I see nothing, I thought I was just in a grassland so I run to where Cherno would be and I see the crane and such but NO BUILDINGS anywhere, no trees or anything around it. Can anyone help me with this problem please?
  2. OjigO

    What people need to understand is

    I understand with the glitches and everything yeah its alpha but my main concern will be the hackers (aka. scripters) I worry for this game even in the beta stages. With all the bypasses on battleye seems like everyone can hack. But who knows maybe in beta battleye will up its game and stop sucking ass.
  3. Every server I seem to go into has at least 1 or 2 scripters, it literally is the most annoying thing and makes me not want to play dayZ I would say the same for everyone else who has gotten killed or have stuff stolen by them. It's pretty sad that they'd have to ruin a great game that once was. Now its just full of kids who think they're cool cause they can script, yeah I can do the same but I don't do it for the love of the game. But now there is no love (baby don't hurt me) I actually can't wait for "The War Z" I really hope that game wont have so many script kitties or else there is no hope for zombie mmo's like this.
  4. OjigO

    Hacker on US 2556

    No admins from the server should see these posts, and get rid of these kids. They need scripts to show how "pro" they are? Yeah I don't think that's what this game is about.
  5. OjigO

    Hacker on US 2556

    Are you kidding me? Have you played dayZ lately? Rocket said he wants it to be more successful than minecraft, doesn't look like that's going to ever happen considering it is getting WORSE.
  6. A couple of kiddies who think they're pro at dayZ are hacking on 2556 one of the names of the hackers are Jack Bauer hes so cute at hacking when he lags in game, he unloads 3 clips into the air before he finally hits me with me running circles around him. What a badass, dayZ got completely ruined by hacking it'l never be the same again and its only going to get worse.
  7. I just like to run...trol.jpg..
  8. OjigO

    I'm so nice in dayZ...

    ^ true trol.jpg
  9. OjigO

    I'm so nice in dayZ...

    I am just a little bro..
  10. I cried after someone gave me a bazooka..only not rlly..trol.jpg..
  11. OjigO

    The best player in dayZ

    calm it sweetie pie <3
  12. OjigO

    The best player in dayZ

    bro I just turned 12..
  13. made you look....trolololololololololololololololololololol...bert