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About EndoT0ker

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  1. EndoT0ker

    Squad Up! Searching for Players

    Ill roll with you dood PM me on here
  2. EndoT0ker

    Looking for Dayz Squad

    Im 19 ill roll with you PM me
  3. ill roll with you guys PM me
  4. EndoT0ker

    Looking to start a small 2/3 man squad

    Im 19 ill join send me a PM anyone
  5. steam - hellbat12865 im 19 looking to join up !
  6. Ill join up just message me on here
  7. EndoT0ker

    need a partner for dayz =D

    Ill roll with anyone send me a PM!
  8. EndoT0ker

    Small group (4-5 players)

    Ill join or anyone else that wants to play I have TS/Steam
  9. It just is?? Lol Way to explain not shit! What is the difference from if everything i said was about cars or about ponies ??? For being my elders you guys are pretty ignorant and missing the whole point of my post! Grow the hell up and enjoy the game!
  10. Far from it buddy Ima stoner lol im like this in every game just looking for people to play with who are similar andd this post says nothing about "why" I smoke pot.. Go be a hater somewhere else! B)
  11. Hello im a 19 yr old pot smoking zombie killing survivor looking around for 2 maybe 3 people to survive with. Im still kinda new just got the game a few days ago. (Recently died) Just looking for laid back chill people to roll with new or not Age doesnt matter as long as your not a total crack baby! I can use Skype/Vent/TS whatever is good for you. ( Have a mic damnit! ) Send me a message on here or post below!
  12. Ill roll with yall add me Steam - hellbat12865
  13. EndoT0ker

    Stoner Squad

  14. EndoT0ker

    Stoner Squad

    Bump Message me on here