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About UKJim

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. UKJim

    Just raided a Clan Camp

    I say good for you - I found a camp and stole recently too - it's part of the game. I am also a player that has been killed many times by people that did not even loot my body. So now I shoot on site unfortunately. Luckily though I have not had to yet; so I am only a theif at the moment not a bandit :) I am in a similar position on what to do next - I am thinking about searching for some vehicles or heli sites and then hitting the castles for a laf ;) Good luck with the travels
  2. Just for the 'older' folk around here... Have you ever seen the film 'Worriors'? Its a gang meeting that goes wrong and one of the worrior gang gets the blame for a killing that they did not do. They have to make it home by fighting other gangs trying to get them for the killing. Well what I think would be fun to see would be a mass meeting in one of the towns or fields - all 50 or more players on a server to meet at a specific time - no killing (yeah right) It would be crazy to see but yeah as we all know it would never happen because someone would rip out their rifle and go to town lol Can you dig it?
  3. UKJim

    I am now a theif :)

    I played again last night and one of the first times I have played in the dark :) Wow that was very creepy - I went into a field and found a heli crash site for the first time too - it stuck out like a sore thumb due to the side guns glowing orange as though they were firing. About 10-15 zeds surrounding this I approached with caution - so I got there and checked it out. I found a new sniper rifle M107 with rounds :) Good times! So I ditched the DMR and swiped this 'Very Rare' gun from the chopper. As I walked across the field to get away I got chased - so I tried to shoot using a PDW that I robbed from the tents earlier on hehe - he got me though and I was bleeding. After finishing him off (and a few others) I bandaged up, ate some meat and all is well again. I as I continued through the field I came across yet another heli crash site in the distance but this time decided not to investigate - I wish I had now but oh well my dayz life continues ;)
  4. You will learn how to avoid zeds easily the more you play! As for weapons go to an airfield or a supermarket - these seem reliable for me in the past! It's a survival game mod not a true fps so chill and keep looting! All else fails try a different server?
  5. UKJim

    I am now a theif :)

    Actually looks like two czech backpacks on top of each other and an ALICE pack morphed into them both :) Not sure how realy this is probably just a glitchy pile of bags but wondered if it exists or not etc. Either way I want a coyote backpoack NOW!!!
  6. UKJim

    My lucky Day

    I think as for the loot its not all that great for the people that have looted the airfields but good work any ways mate. I will give you credit for going to the devils castle on a 50/50 server. I am sure that as soon as you left multiplayers would be there ready to bandit your behind :)
  7. UKJim

    I am now a theif :)

    LMAO nice typo while at work lol BTW the backpack I was talking about that I saw online was this one the backpack 9000 or something...
  8. I played for a short time today and after a quick looting session I went to find a quiet spot to go and save and logoff. I found the spot and as I was about to press ESC to close up shop, I noticed a tent hidden in a bush :) Off I went to take a looksy - what did I find? Well let me tell you hehe - there were lots of food and drink and some magazines in there but nothing I havent seen before - but then deep at the back I found a DMR sniper rifle - a PDW - a Bizon SD all with multiple magazines So good honest Jim turned bad theif Jim and swiped the DMR with magz - left the other two though for good measure hehe Before I stumbled on this find; I was at the barracks and found an MK48 and magz - so I sacrificed some food and drink to fit the MK48 into my rucksack (ALICE) and then had the DMR as primary. The only thing that I would like to have now is the Coyote backpack (although I did see a picture of a bigger rucksack on the interwebs but I don't know what it is called or even if it is available yet?) I don't feel too bad for the theft as I have been gunned down too many times for my fair share so I deserve some good luck for a change ;) Thanks for reading Jim
  9. UKJim

    Ports to open?

    Yeah could be the case - I know people exist as I find tents and stuff all time :)
  10. UKJim

    Good Loot Route for teh Newbies

    When I die and have to start a fresh - I just go to elektro or cherno straight away as I have nothing to lose. I then raid the hospital first and then supermarket. Then I head north hitting some houses and farms on the way out. Most of the time I get enough loot to get me to the next few towns and always seem to get good loot on the way. Then I hit the airfields to get some guns - this is risky but I would have only been alive for say an hour or so; so nothing to lose really. It works for me but maybe not everyone
  11. UKJim

    I die every day

    Thats the attitiude to have mate - sometimes the PvP gets people down but always try not to curse too much and get back in the saddle :)
  12. UKJim

    Ports to open?

    I always go into towns no problems - I also go to the NW airfield regularly and not had any issues. Don't get me wrong I have seen other players but not that many.
  13. Hi, I was wondering - very often I get the red connection symbol on the screen - also when I am in a server with 50 players in; I never seem to see these players even in the big towns? I have spotted a couple of people as they have shot me :( but I would expect to see more as 50 people on the map is quite a lot. Are there any ports that I need to open on my router/pc that improves this? If this is normal then all good I am cool; but thought it is worth a check. Cheers, Jim
  14. UKJim

    Well that sucked!

    Or have options to please every type of player
  15. To be honest; I only found this out today too and I have been playing for about a week now hehe