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About licher888

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    - Survived the infection but lost my family and friends.
    - Gathered weapons, gear and supplies.
    - On my way up to the north to reach the airfield.
    - Trying to survive this Apocalypse...
  1. Definitely - Y E S BUT only when going into Beta and/or Release version Cheers
  2. The easiest way to please everyone would be to create 2 different versions of DayZ. For example "DayZ-PVP" and "DayZ-nonPVP" So everyone could choose which version he wants to play. Of course the PVP-Variant should be like the actual version, maybe a bit tweaked and the nonPVP-Variant should differ in many ways. Make the nonPVP more difficult so the survivors are more or less forced to go in groups to survive. Double or triple the spawns of Zed's, making them real hordes only stooped by headshots and let em spawn in forest in lower numbers. Change the loot-percentages and make most stuff more rare. Change the enviroment to a real apocalypse-style, more fog and much more darker...and so on...I have so many things in my mind... :) 2 different versions - everyone can choose which one he wants to play - finished with this neverending discussions about PVP or not... Cheers