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Everything posted by GSYuri

  1. GSYuri

    The REAL cause of greif

    Wait, what ? You're thinking about which games ?
  2. Very nice ! I bet they weren't expecting this kind of move. I might just try and do this next time me and my partner are in this situation ...
  3. GSYuri

    DayZ Stories

    These are not bandits. These are highly geared players killing new players on the coats, just because they can. Yeah, real badasses, eh ? Occasionaly you will meet a real bandit, not disconnecting when taking shots and actually interested in looting your body. But gosh, that's rare.
  4. Ok, I didn't think I would ever post "one of these threads". But it's getting slightly irritating. You were creeping around the car I had found. I was coming back to it with wheels and gas. I have to admit I was startled. It was night time, and I did not have any NVG (but you had, how did you miss me ?). My first shots were terrible, and you immediately both disappear. OK, alt-F4er. I'm used to it. But really, spawning at the same place, in the same server, like 10 minutes later ? Still trying to take the car ? Are you serious ? I took my time there, and I clearly saw one of you drop (gotta love the M24). And then, pouf, alt-f4 again. I didn't have the kill in my counter, but I sure hope you're dead, cause god that was annoying. Sorry for everyone who read that boresome thread !
  5. I did not read the whole thread, but for people complaining about being aggroed by zombies: don't forget that it is now way easier to lose them once they're running after you. There are many ways to break their LoS and/or their speed. Just have to take that into account. I myself enjoy this update very much, even if it still bothers me that a zombie can make you go unconscious in one blow, when you're around 10k of blood. A friend of mine died like this yesterday, and we had to run for ages before meeting again.
  6. GSYuri

    A few newbie questions.

    It's normal to be frustrated during you first games, but it should not last long. Keep on playing, and you will soon know how to recognize spawn points to orientate yourself, and which buildings to loot to find whatever you need, as well as ways to escape zombies. It all comes down to a matter of experience. In a few games you will be roaming the northern part of the map with military grade equipment ! ;)
  7. Oh, I never said they would read it (and I don't care, actually). I was just feeling like writing this. Anyway, moving on, I'll keep on looting.
  8. Some good ideas over here. Kinda in a hurry, so quick thought from me: why not limit the military spawn and high-grade weapons to the heli crash sites ? These crash sites are rare, spawn in a random place (or should, at least). Therefore these will encourage people to actually venture into the wilderness to explore, rather than just rushing Stary Sobor or the NWA because everyone know the good stuff is there. Ok, the best would be procedural-generated maps. No more NWA: there would be ONE airfield on the map, but never on the same place. Changing at each server reboot. That would be sweet. Imagine the thrill of finding it or the first time -again-.
  9. GSYuri

    No goals add Collectables or/& Ribbins

    Attribuing ribbons for killing players is just going to encourage players to continue to shoot on sight. Anyway, I think I'm not mistaking if I say that the team is strongly thinking about 'end-goals' to be added in a near future.
  10. No, the real problem is that it's too easy to get your hands on a military grade weapon. In my opinion, there should not be any .50 cal barret or M4 in an apocalypse scenario. Civilians would not be able to use them anyway. I got a sniper once, the DMR, and it was ridiculous how powerful I was then. Then another sniper got me, and i'm all pathetic again until I find another sniper rifle. It's becoming some sort of a sniping simulation out there. I love the fact that there's pvp in the game (and i killed my share of players), but the loot regulation needs a LOT of work, IMO.