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SadPanda (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SadPanda (DayZ)

  1. SadPanda (DayZ)

    this mod is in beta...

    I'm not the one making threads just to bitch :rolleyes:
  2. SadPanda (DayZ)

    this mod is in beta...

    It IS alpha.
  3. I like how you keep calling it a game.
  4. It's an alpha mod and Rocket can't do anything about it.
  5. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Dropping DayZ like a bad habit.

    Alpha can have all sorts of bugs, I don't see why it'd be a surprise when it happens. I've never been killed by a ladder though.
  6. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Dropping DayZ like a bad habit.

    Geez, who would have known that an alpha mod has bugs?
  7. SadPanda (DayZ)

    so, hacking is here to stay apparently

    I don't get mass nuked once a day.
  8. SadPanda (DayZ)

    My First Murder (Video Included)

    Recruit servers shouldn't exist.
  9. Haha what's that supposed to mean?
  10. It's ''douchebag''.
  11. SadPanda (DayZ)

    I have collected all of the stats

    Seems legit.
  12. Yes, exactly. I'm just trying to encourage you, no need to be upset.
  13. Please do, quit the forum to.
  14. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Hacking? ...or Admin Abuse??

    Haha that's hilarious!
  15. SadPanda (DayZ)

    So what's your DayZ soundtrack?

    I wan't to hear everything when I play so I don't have any music in the background.
  16. It's not an glitch, the engine that Arma 2 runs got dorky animations, there's nothing anyone can do about them so you'll just have to wait for a stand-alone game or ARMA 3.
  17. What would they do though? Stare you to death? :P
  18. They should add a spawn at that mountain.
  19. SadPanda (DayZ)

    New Character Spawn Idea

    What? Who said it could?They ease the pain, which is very helpful, even when you have a broken limb.
  20. SadPanda (DayZ)

    This has been confusing me for awhile now..

    So it's NOT funny because he said ass? Wat.
  21. SadPanda (DayZ)

    so, hacking is here to stay apparently

    There is a fix on the way, a huge ban wave is on the way, according to the people at battle eye.
  22. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Hacking is BLATANT.

    Wrong.Anywho, it's not Rockets fault, if you wanna blame someone, blame either Battle eye or BI.
  23. SadPanda (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    I spawned in elektro, found an Winchester, got shot at by the school and I assume it's a sniper so I head up where they usually are. When I get close I start to crawl, I spot someone, and he gets shot and another survivor shows up and runs away. I looked around and it seems like that person ran away, so I looted the other guys body and found an M24 so I figured that I'd stay up there and kill server hopping snipers. Noone comes, I switch server, noone there either, but after 5-10 minutes, I hear someone shooting, there's a guy running around with an AS50, he starts to loot one of the dead bodies there, I shot and I hit his sniper, luckily I got the time to take another shot and he drops dead. 1 bandit kill, I approach and loot him, take his AS50 and 2 nato mags, then I got shot in the back, I had 2k blood left and I start running around and I get shot again. I spawn in Elektro again, I loot the firehouse and find an M1014 with 16 shells, in the tower I find a M4A3 CCO but with no mags. I make it up the hill again to look for the guy who shot me, can't see anyone, then I see a dead body in a tree. I loot her body and find an AS50 TWS (Probably hacked in) and then I run away and log out.
  24. SadPanda (DayZ)

    New Character Spawn Idea

    So basicly you wan't to go back a couple of patches? In my opinion, surviving is easy enough as it is.