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SadPanda (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SadPanda (DayZ)

  1. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Fix For Graphics Glitch

    *Sigh* This has been posted hundreds of times.
  2. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Clucking idiots

    If people download an update that they have no clue what it's for or what it does, then I don't really feel sorry for them.
  3. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Clucking idiots

    Yeah, and they could fix the whole alpha by not releasing it to the public. Notsrs.
  4. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Clucking idiots

    They clearly said that you could download it at your own risk, the update isn't done that's why you only can download it manually, fuck sake...
  5. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Clucking idiots

    1. Maybe because you've never played an alpha mod before, there's a huge difference between an alpha mod and a game. 2. Becuase it was supported by a big company called Valve, are you seriously comparing Valve and Rocket and his small group? 3. It's an alpha that isn't close to being finished, so on.
  6. SadPanda (DayZ) Graphical Glitches Still There

    Not in an Alpha, no.
  7. SadPanda (DayZ)


    OMG fix ur gawd dam ALPHA GAEMS its wai too buggi JEBUS KRIST!
  8. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Axe or AK

    Put it back in your toolbelt? And put the AK in your backpack. EDIT: But yes they should make an melee slot.
  9. SadPanda (DayZ)

    1.7.3 and dogs!!!

  10. SadPanda (DayZ)

    New version problem

    I did that, didn't work :(
  11. That's what alphas are for, deploying alot of updates with content so we can test the content, and then we report the issues we have with the added content and they fix it, derp.
  12. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Standalone: Why be excited about Arma 3 engine?

    Arma 3/DayZ would NEVER work on consoles, FACT.
  13. Haha, I love that guy.
  14. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Im done, hackers win...

    If not Russians then I have no clue.
  15. SadPanda (DayZ)

    August 1 Update? My A%#

    1 out of 20? Where do you get the statistics from? I'm sure you've all tried the fixes without any results /Sarcasm
  16. SadPanda (DayZ)

    August 1 Update? My A%#

    There's several temporary fixes for it, one worked for me so I can loot where I want.But you seem kinda dumb, so I'll forgive you for not knowing there are temporary fixes for it.
  17. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Waste of $30 and some time

    So you just wanted to create a topic and complain about how you spent 30 dollars on a free mod and then leave the forum? Straight up gangsta shit.
  18. SadPanda (DayZ)

    August 1 Update? My A%#

    Do you have PMS or something?
  19. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Im done, hackers win...

    Haha, ultimate trap.
  20. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Im done, hackers win...

    How do you know it was a hacker?
  21. SadPanda (DayZ)

    August 1 Update? My A%#

    Oh god, this reply is so facepalm worthy.
  22. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Thus ends my DayZ Day.

    You sure don't keep your generalization thoughts to yourself.Yay I win!
  23. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Thus ends my DayZ Day.

    Wow, ironic.
  24. SadPanda (DayZ)

    Thus ends my DayZ Day.

    So every time I'm not accomplishing something with my time (Kinda like you're doing right now) makes me immature? That's some nice and mature logic.Complain all you wan't, BUT you don't need to dedicated a thread for it.