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Everything posted by Sveris

  1. Confirming admin abuse on this server. In fact, more than i've seen on any other. . You are the worst one ninja.
  2. Server owner admits to spawning in with full loadout, as50 therm etc etc.. When they started to lose, the teleporting began. We would kill them coming up kap kozlovka and they would reappear less than a minute later fully geared. Join this server if you love admin abuse. No skill.
  3. Hey guys, been playing dayz for about 2 months, recently built a new comp and i've swapped my steam folders to the new computer. Arma2 and OA both run fine but for some reason DayZ gets stuck at loading (no load bar). Im running latest arma and Dayz patches and trying to join compatible servers with no luck. Anyone help?
  4. Sveris

    Still think this is a good game?

    Whats alpha testing anyways? Go back to BF3.
  5. Sveris

    AS50 vs M107

    Don't apologize for your english, It's better than most people that use english as their primary language. As for the guns, I'm not sure because sniping isn't really my thing but most of the people I've played with prefer the AS50 over the M107.
  6. Sveris

    Lethal trees

    Confirming this. Same thing has happened to me and a few others in my unit. I was crawling under a pine tree for cover when it happened. Its also happened while going prone next to tents.
  7. Found a body, (fully loaded) dead under a tank trap in a camp last night with that same skin. Guess he wasn't too careful of where he teleported in?
  8. Hi, I'm Sveris. 31 CST Late nighter Comms available Level headed, tactful minded. Experienced (and successful) team leader in several games throughout my past. I've only been in Chernarus about 5 days but doing well, Just looking for a group to roll with. Hit me up via PM if you think I could be of value to your group. Please, mature groups only. Cheers!
  9. Yeah man thanks for the offer, I truly appreciate it but thats exactly what I don't want to mess with. All this talk of rules, voting, debates and more rules is kinda undesirable. Good luck mate.
  10. I'm looking for a group like this, heres my info. PM me if you think I could be of use please.
  11. Thanks guys. Im US central tz (cst) and generally play from late afternoon until 3am or 4am. Not sure I could get on with UKtz much. Are PM's still down?
  12. Yeah I'm familiar with you guys from other games. Didn't see anything about DayZ on your website. Not really wanting to join a superclan, just wanting a dedicated group of DayZ players to get in with.
  13. Same here, 31, comms, CST. PM please.
  14. Yo, 31. Only been playing since yesterday but I've got an extensive background in gaming/mmo's and am already doing very well in DayZ but would like to have some buddies to roll with. 4 years fleet commander in EvE so I understand teamwork, coms etc. CST and plenty of available hours to play. TS, Vent, Steam ready but send me a PM if you guys could use a player with a good head on his shoulders. Cheers!