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Everything posted by primalgoose

  1. primalgoose

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    I hate to sound like a broken record but do you have any proof? Screen shots, videos, anything at all? I'm not doubting you but before any action could be taken people need evidence of this.
  2. primalgoose

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    This just started happening to me today. I was in the shopping centre in Zelenogorsk, ran south east for about 5 minutes and was teleported back to the shops. Ran out the same direction again, came across a guy in a tractor.. who then attempted to run me over. I managed to shoot and kill him - he falls out of the tractor and as I go to loot him, it teleports me back again. Watching the footage I recorded on FRAPS I noticed my debug monitor had disappeared.